I've edited this into a standard post, because the question keeps coming up.
Keywords: stats statserver tserver WfM IWS CCA CCpulse Infomart GI2
1. Different solutions count different objects in different ways. It may be a bit confusing, because they might use the same "Object Name" or "Statistic" or "Time Profile" or "Time Slice" - but they were all built for different purposes. Some look at workflow or workforce requirements, some count volumes, others count interactions and some count legs of interactions. Overlying those basic elements are the "Count" and "Average" and "Maximum" or "Minimum" rules, which may not be the same either.
2. Genesys is not a Solution - it is a Platform. It can contain many different Solutions which were built with specific tasks in mind. Ask yourself if you are using those Solutions for the individual purposes they were intended - or if you are trying to manipulate data sets from different Solutions purely because you [i]think [/i]you can. The volumes, counts, statistics, averages, calculations and algorithms within each Solution are applied to thousands - sometimes millions - of units for measurement, so there are bound to be some small scale differences.
3. The majority of statistics are extracted from "Source" via a CTI Link (TServer) or an IServer - or a similar, direct link to that "Source". So, you might think they should all be the same, right? They are not. Here are a few examples;
>"Time Slice B" in one reporting element may include a count from the previous "Time Slice A", because an interaction [i]began [/i]in "Time Slice A". In another solution, the count may be reported in "Time Slice B", because that is when it [i]ended[/i]. This can cause differences between the counts in both solutions. But they are not discrepancies.
>"Average" in one solution may use pure mathematics and include decimals (e.g. 12.56384561 seconds) - another might round up the figure (e.g. 13 seconds). Applying an average to either solution and comparing them will show a difference. Not a discrepancy.
>"Object" in one solution may contain a group of elements, such as an Agent Group - or it might be a Group of Agents. They sound similar, right? They are not. An Agent Group is defined in CIM, whereas a Group of Agents can be user-defined within a report. "Objects" can also be dynamic; an Agent Group [i]may [/i]have contained 12 Agents at the start of the reporting period, but it is possible to remove/add Agents from an Agent Group on the fly, so it's possible that you have included or excluded stats from Agents who were removed/added - and this is equally true of Skills/Skill Levels in reporting.
4. There isn't a "matrix of comparable units" for the statistics across CCA|GI2|CCP|WFM|IWS, because they generally serve different purposes;
CCA, CCP and IWS generally count Volumes
GI2 generally counts Interactions
WFM generally counts Work Effort
5. As a rule of thumb and as an Industry Best Practice, you should allow for up to [b]3%[/b] differential between reporting solutions. You might be looking for everything to be mathematically equal and - whilst it may be very satisfying to see that - it will not be. Give yourself a break and allow for this differential as a standard, acceptable measure!