Ok, I'm just not getting it. Yes, I've read the help files. I thought I had a solution using the Open Media server sample, but that just gets a record into the interactions table not the Interaction table. Genesys support pointed me to the eServices documentation, but the dot are just not connecting. If anyone can give a basic explanation on how to programmatically create an interaction to the Genesys newbie I would be most grateful.
Yes I'm a little frustrated.
Current code:
public void SubmitInteraction()
string interactionServerName = "InteractionServer";//"<server name>";
string interactionServerHost = "Host";//"<host>";
int interactionServerport = 2020;
string inboundQueue = "InboundQueue";
string mediaType = "email";
interactionServerConfiguration = new InteractionServerConfiguration("InteractionServer");
interactionServerConfiguration.Uri = new Uri("tcp://"
+ interactionServerHost + ":"
+ interactionServerport);
interactionServerConfiguration.ClientName = "InteractionServer";
interactionServerConfiguration.ClientType = InteractionClient.MediaServer;
InteractionServerProtocol interactionServerProtocol = new InteractionServerProtocol(new Endpoint(interactionServerName, interactionServerConfiguration.Uri));
interactionServerProtocol.ClientName = "InteractionServer";
interactionServerProtocol.ClientType = InteractionClient.MediaServer;
KeyValueCollection userData = new KeyValueCollection();
userData.Add("interaction:subject", "Incoming interaction");
userData.Add("interaction:text", "Test Message");
Genesyslab.Platform.OpenMedia.Protocols.InteractionServer.Requests.InteractionManagement.RequestSubmit requestSubmit =
requestSubmit.TenantId = 101;
requestSubmit.InteractionSubtype = "InboundNew";
requestSubmit.UserData = userData;
IMessage response = interactionServerProtocol.Request(requestSubmit);
string boo = response.Name;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;