Yes René, using EventLogger seems the way to go as PS is still analyzing my requirements and see if doable... :S
What I have done also is open a FR on Genesys side, waiting....
Now but I consider strange or not understanding the point of view is that when we sell the solution to customers and even the commercial PPTs claim with fireworks and all stuff (yes I also know many of those slides are marketing ideas only) is that customer will win basically 2 things:
1. Routing Intelligence
2. Complete view of their business logics and therefore improve customer satisfaction (yes, we sell satisfaction on the other side)
Now, how can we tell that our customers are doing a good/bad job delivering satisfaction or making good routing choices with their business intelligence if we can't measure? As we all know, you can't control what you can't measure. So making a pain in the ass the fact to be able to measure what we are supposed to control natively makes me wonder if we are selling a good product or not? Does Genesys has plans to complete it?
I never touched ICS so no idea if can compare those at stats level, but again, a huge ? over my head: How does bigger contact centers do to measure their needs? If I, with a small contact center, am having a huge problem giving basic stats (for what I consider basic) like answer time per service channel then I can't imagine bigger installations or the "speech" installers give to peace the waters and accomplish their mission, satisfy the Genesys users...or maybe it is because my lack of training? I like to learn and read and play/destroy but here I found a hard one...
You may say: "We do a development" but aren't we supposed to be able to explode the solution in a way that customer claims "Nice! We now can see all that!!!!" but now is more like "What? But on voice we can do it!!!"....
So now on I'll do my best on satisfying my customer, but poor me if he asks more detailed information...