" /> Display CDN CPND value on Nortel 3905 - Genesys CTI User Forum

Author Topic: Display CDN CPND value on Nortel 3905  (Read 2497 times)

Offline cmcshane

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Display CDN CPND value on Nortel 3905
« on: April 26, 2007, 04:36:57 PM »

Currently working on a deployment in Warsaw and there is no softphone scheduled for this phase. I'm having trouble displaying the CDN CPND value on the phone sets when URS targets the DN of the agent. I can display the CDN number, but not the value as assigned in LD95 on the switc.

Switch is a Nortel Succession 1000M with Symposium link. URS and T-Server versions are 7.2.

Anyone ever encountered this before ? Any suggestions welcome.

