we are using Genesys SIP TServer 7.2.xxxx in HA hot-standby mode, and we find it VERY difficult to get the control back after a switchover.
The problem that is causing a biggest headache for me right now is how I cannot retrieve the call after Genesys switchover. TServer claims that call is not being held, even though it clearly states that the call is being held during the EventRegistered message.
Here is the part where it specifically tells me that the call is held:
@13:56:39.4140 [0] send_to_client: message EventRegistered
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000335
AttributeTimeinuSecs 414000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1177563399 (13:56:39)
AttributeReferenceID 2
AttributeExtensions [209] 00 08 01 00..
'AgentStatus' 3
'queue-1' 'Q1'
'conn-1' '009001729cfa7001'
'call-uuid-1' '6ED39557-D984-47BA-886B-24BA0460D600'
'ct-1' 0
'ps-1' 14
'party-uuid-1' 'EF8196EA-0301-4200-A6E8-624CE628EF84'
'status' 1
AttributeAgentID '10010'
AttributeAddressInfoStatus 1
AttributeAddressInfoType 8 (AddressInfoAddressType)
AttributeAddressType 1 (DN)
AttributeAgentWorkMode 1 (ManualIn)
AttributeThisQueue 'Q1'
AttributeAgentID '10010'
AttributeThisDN '6006'
13:56:39.414 Trc 04542 EventRegistered sent to 424 (0016 CTISIP_Client)
ps-1 = 14 in UserData means that the call with connId as shown in connid-1 is being held.
Yet, when I try to issue a retrieve command, it dares to tell me that the call is not in the right state.
Here is the part where it says that the call cannot be retrieved:
13:57:12.164 Trc 04541 RequestRetrieveCall received from 216 (0015 DesktopToolkitX)
message RequestRetrieveCall
AttributeThisDN '6006'
AttributeConnID 009001729cfa7001
AttributeReferenceID 20
13:57:12.164 Int 04543 Interaction message "RequestRetrieveCall" received from 216 ("DesktopToolkitX")
13:57:12.164 -- created: CRequest@01BC0830 RequestRetrieveCall-DesktopToolkitX[216]/20
13:57:12.164 +++ CIFace::Request +++
-- new invoke
-- thisCall by party
Parsed: RequestRetrieveCall
From: DesktopToolkitX[216]/20
Numbers: +<6006> -<none>
Calls: 009001729cfa7001.016D51B8 none
Parties: 6006.01BC2500-009001729cfa7001.016D51B8
Status: parsed:1 queued:0 sent:0 acked:0 preevent:0 event:0 context:0 transferred:0
-- validate
-- state check: call is not held
CIFace: request not valid
13:57:12.164 Trc 36002 Request rejected: error code 1161(Incorrect object state)
@13:57:12.1640 [0] send_to_client: message EventError
(Incorrect object state)
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000336
AttributeTimeinuSecs 164000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1177563432 (13:57:12)
AttributeErrorCode 1161
AttributeErrorMessage 'Incorrect object state'
AttributeReferenceID 20
AttributeConnID 009001729cfa7001
AttributeThisDN '6006'
AttributeClientID 1376264
13:57:12.164 Int 04545 Interaction message "EventError" sent to 216 ("DesktopToolkitX")
Is it a bug or am I forgetting something? (like using my brain)
