Author Topic: StatServer - User-Attributed KVP ("Skill") per ACW  (Read 4534 times)


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StatServer - User-Attributed KVP ("Skill") per ACW
« on: March 19, 2007, 09:50:20 AM »
Hi all!

[i]<afterthought; don't have ccon or ICON... do have CCA/Brio...>[/i]

OK, this may sound straightforward but I am trying to gather an individual use-data field (a Skill-related KVP) as a call attribute, to be able to apply it within a report (CCA/Brio) to an Agent's ACW time.  I think my problem is that my Skill KVP is only associated with an Inbound/Outbound call and as soon as the call is dropped, so are the call-related attributes.  I have heard (recently) that later versions of TServer/StatServer (7.5?) are able to maintain user-defined KVP/call-related attributes, post-call time however I am unsure if this can be applied.

Has anyone succesfully attributing a call-related KVP to an Agents ACW for reporting purposes?



Mark Gibson

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Re: StatServer - User-Attributed KVP ("Skill") per ACW
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2007, 10:24:42 AM »
Mr. Tillyer,

it is my understanding that both T-Server and StatServer keep KVP past EventReleased. It is up to the user to decide how long, but default value is 300 seconds.

The options that control that are:


you can use them to control how long TServer remembers connId after the call is released. This is useful when you need to attach additional KVP or perhaps retrieve one as well.

Are you looking for something other than these two?

Marked as best answer by on Today at 08:52:49 AM


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Re: StatServer - User-Attributed KVP ("Skill") per ACW
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2007, 04:32:21 PM »
  • Undo Best Answer
  • Thanks Mark - the last time I was referred to as a "Mister" I was in trouble!  ::)

    - I think this will do for me.  I wasn't sure if this was a new feature or one that had been around a while but you've given me all I need to move this on.

    Thanks again!



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    Re: StatServer - User-Attributed KVP ("Skill") per ACW
    « Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 10:39:12 AM »

    As a follow up (clarfication) I [i]thought [/i] you meant that these Options for the TServer were default and set to 300 seconds.  I now think that you meant the Options are not actually default but once you apply them, the longevity for holding the KVP data is default, at 300 seconds(?)


    I am also assuming that the KVP's [i]would [/i] be updated, [i]if [/i] another call arrived during the pre-defined time period?

    To recap, as a statement; I would have to apply both Options to each TServer to enable me to continue to use call-related KVP's beyond the call being hung up; however a new inbound call would clear/update the KVP's.



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    Re: StatServer - User-Attributed KVP ("Skill") per ACW
    « Reply #4 on: March 27, 2007, 01:48:57 PM »
    Hi Tony,

    I have come across call-delete-delay-msec option description in Framework T-Server for Avaya... Deployment Guide. Hope it helps.

    Default Value: 7000
    Valid Values: Any positive integer
    Changes Take Effect: For a new period of time
    Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) T-Server preserves call information
    (such as attached data) after all monitored parties have been dropped from the
    call. This feature is useful when calls are transferred from one monitored
    number to another through nonmonitored queues or VDNs.

    Please let us know how it is with updating if you find out.

    Is ConnID preserved when call goes through non-monitored queue or VDN anyway? I have an experience with Siemens switch only and it was always an issue there. If it is not preserved then I do not know how they can keep attached data for more calls - in this case incoming call probably overrides the previous one's data.

    To make it complete, call-clear-timeout-sec option was Removed in 7.5.
