" /> Agent NotReady time and AgentGroup not ready time do not add up - Genesys CTI User Forum

Author Topic: Agent NotReady time and AgentGroup not ready time do not add up  (Read 2771 times)


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I saw a similar post earlier but I could not find it.
I have a very simple problem.

We have hundred agents and three agent groups.
We are using the latest statserver  release and CCA.
In Brio report, if we add up a total for NotReady for every agent and compare that to that of a group, total of notready agent is more. by at least an hour and a half when total not ready is around 90 hours.

What are we forgetting?


Marked as best answer by on February 28, 2025, 01:36:04 AM

Offline pdavid

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From what I recall when I read that thread you refer to, I believe there's an "unknown time". We have the same issue, however after reading that post we have changed our reports to include a formula in the total NR to be the sum of the different NR code reasons that we utilize. Perhaps not the best route to go, but a quick workaround before operations begins to question the issue, then credibility goes down...