Hi guys,
I'm testing the StatSDK and using the sample provided from DevZone. For stats of Queue Type (CallsWaiting) when a notification arrives it does specify the name of the metric, but if I apply the same for Group of Agents then only the value of the statistic arribes, therefore makes a little bit complicated on how to handle the updates as there is no reference on what is being updated...do you have any suggestions?
My code sample:
Quote:StatisticObject objectDescription1 = new StatisticObject(tenantName, dn1, StatisticObjectType.AgentGroup );
StatisticMetric statisticMetric = new StatisticMetric("CurrNumberAgentsLoggedIn");
Statistic AGLOG1 = new Statistic(objectDescription1, statisticMetric);
Notification notification = Notification.Create(NotificationMode.Immediate,5);
RequestOpenPackage requestOpenPackage = RequestOpenPackage.Create(132,StatisticType.Curren t ,statisticsCollection,notification);
First time result:
Quote:Statistic IntValue is: 3
Statistic StringValue is: 3
Statistic ObjectValue is:
Statistic ExtendedValue is:
Statistic Tenant is: eBD
Statistic Type is: AgentGroup
Statistic Id is: PM1
Statistic TimeProfile is: CollectorDefault
Statistic StatisticType is: CurrNumberAgentsLoggedIn
Statistic TimeRange is: Range0-120
Return after a change on the AG:
Quote:Statistic IntValue is: 1
Statistic StringValue is: 1
Statistic ObjectValue is:
Statistic ExtendedValue is:
Statistic Tenant is: eBD
Statistic Type is: AgentGroup
Statistic Id is: PM3
Statistic TimeProfile is:
Statistic StatisticType is: Value
Statistic TimeRange is:
Thanks in advance!