OK, I've searched this entire discussion board to find some lead on my question, but haven't found it yet. So I'm hoping someone here has run into this issue. We are getting ready to install ICON/InfoMart 7.6 with GI2 in our lab. We're still months from production deployment, so I have some time to figure this out, but I'm working on our custom report designs, and one of the metrics that the business needs is Avg. IVR Talk Time, aggregated at each of the standard intervals (sub-hour, hour, day, week, month, quarter & year). This shouldn't be so difficult to get, especially since they are used to getting it out of the box with their old Avaya CMS.
Now, there are Measures in the INTERACTION_FACT and INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT tables, such as IVR_PORT_DURATION and IVR_PORT_SEGMENT_DURATION, but none of those measures are rolled up into any of the AG2 tables. The AG2 tables will give us TOTAL_TALK_DURATION (which covers the entire life of the call, not just the IVR segment) and TOTAL_AGENT_TALK_DURATION (which only applies if the handling resource is an Agent object). We could of course, create our own custom AG2 Views which would roll this up, but I'm wondering if this is really the best route, considering that it will take up a lot of extra storage in the DB for just one additional Measure.
I've posed the question of whether or not we can configure the IVR ports as Agent objects in CME and have them auto-login (the way Avaya will), but I'm not sure if this is possible, since we are using GVP with SIP server, in front of the switch.
Anyone have any wisdom here?