I am trying to to route to a 800 number but i receive a busy signal. Works fine for other number except toll free numbers. Any suggestions please ?
Excerpt from SIP log :
@12:20:03.8440 [0] send_to_client: message EventError
(DN is busy)
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000002d82
AttributeTimeinuSecs 844000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1458840003 (12:20:03)
AttributeExtensions [56] 00 02 00 00..
'CUSTOMER_ID' 'Resources'
'SWITCH' 'SIP_Switch_PreProd'
AttributeErrorCode 231
AttributeErrorMessage 'DN is busy'
AttributeReferenceID 1965
AttributeReason [142] 00 06 00 00..
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTenant' 'Resources'
'RTenantDBID' '101'
'RStrategyName' 'CNP-Pre-AgentSelection'
'RStrategyDBID' '740'
'RTR' 109
AttributeRouteType 0 (RouteTypeUnknown)
AttributeOtherDN '8666826233'
AttributeConnID 0071027ed9096026
AttributeThisDN '5559004013'
AttributeClientID 24
12:20:03.844 Int 04545 Interaction message "EventError" sent to 672 ("HQ_URS_PreProd")
12:20:03.844 Trc 04542 EventError sent to [672] (00000018 HQ_URS_PreProd
--- Error ---
+++ Post-event +++
Type EventError
Devices: <5559004013/5559004013> <-/-> <-/->
Calls: 16777254/0071027ed9096026/16777254.3c2a130/c:2/r:2 0/none
Parties: D5559004013/5559004013.2fad580-3c2a130:1/l:1/r:1/Queued,RtRequest,Destination
Cause: Busy/3, Info: 231
Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=0
--- Post-event ---
12:20:03.844 --- CIFace::Event ---
12:20:03.844 -- thisCall by party
12:20:03.844: check call postponed until end of operation
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): terminate dialog
12:20:03.844: SipDialog: set monitor 0000000000000000
12:20:03.844: SipDialog::Terminate(state=9,reason=0)
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): state e:4,p:6,s:6,c:28,rc:603,m:1
12:20:03.844 SIPPARTY(8666826233): 16777317 verify update of party-connection state F-F
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(9086352760): CheckUpdateTransferStatus: no original dialog
12:20:03.844: SIPTR(576): failed
12:20:03.844: SIPTR(575): Step 0 - SipTransactionTransferCall(576) failed
12:20:03.844: SIPTR(575): failed
12:20:03.844: SIPCM: transaction SipScenario failed
12:20:03.844: GetOtherParty: not two way call - 3
12:20:03.844: PI: 00 S[CA]D[9086352760]C[*D[9086352760]]P[-]
12:20:03.844: PI: 00 S[QN]D[5559004013]E[-]
12:20:03.844: GetOtherParty: not two way call - 3
12:20:03.844: PI: 01 S[FN]D[8666826233]P[-] - can't recover
12:20:03.844: SD: none
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): CONNCHECK: dialog=0
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): CONNCHECK: dialog=0
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): set monitor 00000000044f5970, 0000000000000000
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): state e:1,p:6,s:0,c:0,rc:0,m:0
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): DetachMediaPeer
12:20:03.844 -- setting cntrlDN=8666826233 (for 2 parties)
12:20:03.844 -- setting cntrlDN=8666826233 (for 2 parties)
12:20:03.844: SIPTS: external party released
12:20:03.844: duplicate check for routing failure
12:20:03.844 ClearContext: party 8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1
12:20:03.844 +++ CIFace::Event +++
+++ Pre-event +++
Type EventReleased
Devices: <-/8666826233> <-/9086352760> <-/->
Calls: 16777254/0071027ed9096026/16777254.3c2a130/c:2/r:2 0/none
Parties: X8666826233/8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1/l:1/r:0/Null,Destination
Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=0
--- Pre-event ---
+++ Released +++
-- XAction: start 8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1
SetReleased: party 8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1, cause Null
-- not connected
-- XAction: commit 8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1
--- Released ---
+++ Post-event +++
Type EventReleased
Devices: <-/8666826233> <-/9086352760> <-/->
Calls: 16777254/0071027ed9096026/16777254.3c2a130/c:2/r:2 0/none
Parties: X8666826233/8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1/l:1/r:0/Released,Destination
Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=0
--- Post-event ---
12:20:03.844 --- CIFace::Event ---
12:20:03.844 -- deleted aTmParty 3e51b90
12:20:03.844 -- RemoveParty 8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1
12:20:03.844 -- deleted party_info_tspp 2f78ab0
12:20:03.844: check call postponed until end of operation
12:20:03.844: SIPTR(575): No active transaction to verify for greeting, step 0
12:20:03.844: call will not be released alive: 2, null: 1, forkAlive: 0
12:20:03.844: 3pcc release, check call postponed until complete of current operation
12:20:03.844: SIPCM: delete party 8666826233:16777317
12:20:03.844: SIPCALL(16777254): delete party '8666826233'
12:20:03.844: GetPartyInfo party with partyId 16777317 not found
12:20:03.844: SipCallManager::OnTransactionFailure: Internal context, doesn't notify12:20:03.844: OnRequestFailed
12:20:03.844 -- thisCall by party
12:20:03.844: call1 16777254 idle
12:20:03.844: SipDialog: event DESTROY, t=0, s=10, r=4, m=0000000000000000
12:20:03.844: SipDialog[774]:<< Abort ALL <<
12:20:03.844: $-NET:SIP::0:1596
12:20:03.855 Trc 04541 RequestUpdateUserData received from [672] (00000018 HQ_URS_PreProd
message RequestUpdateUserData
AttributeThisDN '5559004013'
AttributeConnID 0071027ed9096026
AttributeUserData [22] 00 01 01 00..
'PegRejected' 1
AttributeReferenceID 1966
12:20:03.855 Int 04543 Interaction message "RequestUpdateUserData" received from 672 ("HQ_URS_PreProd")
@12:20:03.8550 Call [0071027ed9096026]: urid 00040071
@12:20:03.8550 [0] distribute_response: message EventAttachedDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000002d83
AttributeTimeinuSecs 855000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1458840003 (12:20:03)
AttributeReferenceID 1966
AttributeThirdPartyDN '5559004013'
AttributeThisDNRole 2
AttributeThisDN '5559004013'
AttributeDNIS '9086352760'
AttributeUserData [2665] 00 6d 00 00..
'GSW_MEDIA_SRV_ID' 'sip:Genesys@'
@12:20:03.8440 [0] send_to_client: message EventError
(DN is busy)
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000002d82
AttributeTimeinuSecs 844000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1458840003 (12:20:03)
AttributeExtensions [56] 00 02 00 00..
'CUSTOMER_ID' 'Resources'
'SWITCH' 'SIP_Switch_PreProd'
AttributeErrorCode 231
AttributeErrorMessage 'DN is busy'
AttributeReferenceID 1965
AttributeReason [142] 00 06 00 00..
'RTargetTypeSelected' '100'
'RTenant' 'Resources'
'RTenantDBID' '101'
'RStrategyName' 'CNP-Pre-AgentSelection'
'RStrategyDBID' '740'
'RTR' 109
AttributeRouteType 0 (RouteTypeUnknown)
AttributeOtherDN '8666826233'
AttributeConnID 0071027ed9096026
AttributeThisDN '5559004013'
AttributeClientID 24
12:20:03.844 Int 04545 Interaction message "EventError" sent to 672 ("HQ_URS_PreProd")
12:20:03.844 Trc 04542 EventError sent to [672] (00000018 HQ_URS_PreProd
--- Error ---
+++ Post-event +++
Type EventError
Devices: <5559004013/5559004013> <-/-> <-/->
Calls: 16777254/0071027ed9096026/16777254.3c2a130/c:2/r:2 0/none
Parties: D5559004013/5559004013.2fad580-3c2a130:1/l:1/r:1/Queued,RtRequest,Destination
Cause: Busy/3, Info: 231
Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=0
--- Post-event ---
12:20:03.844 --- CIFace::Event ---
12:20:03.844 -- thisCall by party
12:20:03.844: check call postponed until end of operation
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): terminate dialog
12:20:03.844: SipDialog: set monitor 0000000000000000
12:20:03.844: SipDialog::Terminate(state=9,reason=0)
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): state e:4,p:6,s:6,c:28,rc:603,m:1
12:20:03.844 SIPPARTY(8666826233): 16777317 verify update of party-connection state F-F
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(9086352760): CheckUpdateTransferStatus: no original dialog
12:20:03.844: SIPTR(576): failed
12:20:03.844: SIPTR(575): Step 0 - SipTransactionTransferCall(576) failed
12:20:03.844: SIPTR(575): failed
12:20:03.844: SIPCM: transaction SipScenario failed
12:20:03.844: GetOtherParty: not two way call - 3
12:20:03.844: PI: 00 S[CA]D[9086352760]C[*D[9086352760]]P[-]
12:20:03.844: PI: 00 S[QN]D[5559004013]E[-]
12:20:03.844: GetOtherParty: not two way call - 3
12:20:03.844: PI: 01 S[FN]D[8666826233]P[-] - can't recover
12:20:03.844: SD: none
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): CONNCHECK: dialog=0
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): CONNCHECK: dialog=0
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): set monitor 00000000044f5970, 0000000000000000
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): state e:1,p:6,s:0,c:0,rc:0,m:0
12:20:03.844 SIPCONN(8666826233): DetachMediaPeer
12:20:03.844 -- setting cntrlDN=8666826233 (for 2 parties)
12:20:03.844 -- setting cntrlDN=8666826233 (for 2 parties)
12:20:03.844: SIPTS: external party released
12:20:03.844: duplicate check for routing failure
12:20:03.844 ClearContext: party 8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1
12:20:03.844 +++ CIFace::Event +++
+++ Pre-event +++
Type EventReleased
Devices: <-/8666826233> <-/9086352760> <-/->
Calls: 16777254/0071027ed9096026/16777254.3c2a130/c:2/r:2 0/none
Parties: X8666826233/8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1/l:1/r:0/Null,Destination
Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=0
--- Pre-event ---
+++ Released +++
-- XAction: start 8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1
SetReleased: party 8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1, cause Null
-- not connected
-- XAction: commit 8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1
--- Released ---
+++ Post-event +++
Type EventReleased
Devices: <-/8666826233> <-/9086352760> <-/->
Calls: 16777254/0071027ed9096026/16777254.3c2a130/c:2/r:2 0/none
Parties: X8666826233/8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1/l:1/r:0/Released,Destination
Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=0
--- Post-event ---
12:20:03.844 --- CIFace::Event ---
12:20:03.844 -- deleted aTmParty 3e51b90
12:20:03.844 -- RemoveParty 8666826233.3e51b90-3c2a130:1
12:20:03.844 -- deleted party_info_tspp 2f78ab0
12:20:03.844: check call postponed until end of operation
12:20:03.844: SIPTR(575): No active transaction to verify for greeting, step 0
12:20:03.844: call will not be released alive: 2, null: 1, forkAlive: 0
12:20:03.844: 3pcc release, check call postponed until complete of current operation
12:20:03.844: SIPCM: delete party 8666826233:16777317
12:20:03.844: SIPCALL(16777254): delete party '8666826233'
12:20:03.844: GetPartyInfo party with partyId 16777317 not found
12:20:03.844: SipCallManager::OnTransactionFailure: Internal context, doesn't notify12:20:03.844: OnRequestFailed
12:20:03.844 -- thisCall by party
12:20:03.844: call1 16777254 idle
12:20:03.844: SipDialog: event DESTROY, t=0, s=10, r=4, m=0000000000000000
12:20:03.844: SipDialog[774]:<< Abort ALL <<
12:20:03.844: $-NET:SIP::0:1596
12:20:03.855 Trc 04541 RequestUpdateUserData received from [672] (00000018 HQ_URS_PreProd
message RequestUpdateUserData
AttributeThisDN '5559004013'
AttributeConnID 0071027ed9096026
AttributeUserData [22] 00 01 01 00..
'PegRejected' 1
AttributeReferenceID 1966
12:20:03.855 Int 04543 Interaction message "RequestUpdateUserData" received from 672 ("HQ_URS_PreProd")
@12:20:03.8550 Call [0071027ed9096026]: urid 00040071
@12:20:03.8550 [0] distribute_response: message EventAttachedDataChanged
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000002d83
AttributeTimeinuSecs 855000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1458840003 (12:20:03)
AttributeReferenceID 1966
AttributeThirdPartyDN '5559004013'
AttributeThisDNRole 2
AttributeThisDN '5559004013'
AttributeDNIS '9086352760'
AttributeUserData [2665] 00 6d 00 00..
'GSW_MEDIA_SRV_ID' 'sip:Genesys@'