Genesys CTI User Forum
Genesys CTI User Forum => Genesys CTI Technical Discussion => Topic started by: gitosus on April 04, 2012, 04:34:51 AM
Newbie here. I just install genesys framework, configuration, management layer at lab environment. All component are working fine, I could start and stop dbservers,config server, scserver, urs, etc from sci without problem. Now I am at the point to test the Routing strategy with planning to install pbx simulator. I have the following environment;
-. framework (config, management, urs etc) : 6.5
-. pbxsimulator 6.5
The command I have execute as the following;
testsim.exe -host MELCFG -port 2020 -sw MEL_G3 -ts MEL_TServer -pass password -user password -clapp default
Whe it stated it come the following ;
D:\GCTI\Simulator\TestSim>testsim.exe -host MELCFG -port 2020 -sw MEL_G3 -ts MEL
_TServer -pass password
Simulator TestPBX, Version: 6.5.300.02 (Total DNs<= 4000)
Compiled: Mar 2 2004
Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc., Copyright 1998 - 2004
Creating equipment from ConfigServer...
!!MEL_G3 CreateEqp(CFGACDPosition): can't find DN with specific dntype in cfg-Da
!!MEL_G3 CreateEqp(CFGRoutingPoint): can't find DN with specific dntype in cfg-D
!!MEL_G3 CreateEqp(CFGExtRoutingPoint): can't find DN with specific dntype in cf
!!MEL_G3 CreateEqp(CFGACDQueue): can't find DN with specific dntype in cfg-DataB
!!MEL_G3 CreateEqp(CFGEAPort): can't find DN with specific dntype in cfg-DataBas
(conn_adjust_rlimit) set_sbh_threshold(1016):1
(conn_adjust_rlimit) get_sbh_threshold=1016
.................Simulators settings............................
port = 17000
console-port = 17001
start-trunk-num = 1000
trunk-num-range = 16
queue-tout = 30
ringing-tout = 30
call-duration =
ani-file =
data-file =
..................Predictive dialing settings...................
probability-answer = 0.510000
probability-no-answer = 0.350000
probability-busy = 0.017500
probability-ans-mach = 0.017500
probability-invalid-num = 0.017500
probability-vacant = 0.017500
probability-num-changed = 0.017500
probability-unknown = 0.017500
probability-no-circuit = 0.017500
probability-fax = 0.017500
tout-answer = 5
tout-no-answer = 5
tout-busy = 5
tout-ans-mach = 5
tout-invalid-num = 5
tout-vacant = 5
tout-num-changed = 5
tout-unknown = 5
tout-no-circuit = 5
tout-fax = 5
>> Test PBX Simulator waits for connection to port 17000 ...
New connection established 712 index0
!!! Garbage length = 0
!!! Garbage length = 0
!!! Garbage length = 0
!!! Garbage length = 0
!!! Garbage length = 0
And the The test simulator interface shown "Connection is established"
But I when I move to the PbxSummary tab it does not show any think of DN, Routing point etc that has been configured at configuration manager.
From that inforamtion why the script initially running with the following:
Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc., Copyright 1998 - 2004
Creating equipment from ConfigServer...
!!MEL_G3 CreateEqp(CFGACDPosition): can't find DN with specific dntype in cfg-Da
!!MEL_G3 CreateEqp(CFGRoutingPoint): can't find DN with specific dntype in cfg-D
!!MEL_G3 CreateEqp(CFGExtRoutingPoint): can't find DN with specific dntype in cf
!!MEL_G3 CreateEqp(CFGACDQueue): can't find DN with specific dntype in cfg-DataB
!!MEL_G3 CreateEqp(CFGEAPort): can't find DN with specific dntype in cfg-DataBas
Could you assist me to solve this problem pleaes?
Thank you,
Ok I managed it work using the eqp file, instead using the configuration file. But still want to know how to solve to setup PBXSimulator using the configuration server. Any body has ever problem like me before please?
I need your assistant.
Thank you,
Ah today it works fine.
Not sure why yesterday did not work.
Probably some typo on the command.
can you please let me know ..where to get this setup