Genesys CTI User Forum
Genesys CTI User Forum => Genesys CTI Technical Discussion => Topic started by: tomasz on January 19, 2009, 08:49:52 PM
Hello All,
Although we've been using Genesys for 3 years, I have not been doing much besides making sure the server stays up.
My managers want to modify one of our strategies and frankly I am little puzzled. Below is why
What we want is simple in concept I just can't find the right way to do this with Interaction Routing Designer:
Our SBM agents handle FireProofing and WaterProofing calls.
Currently Customer calls into 800# and he reaches SBM Agents for WP and FP altogether, then if its a WP call an Agent has to transfer it to FP and vice-versa. We want to put and IVR into existing Script and have customers make their own choice, but if all agents are busy in WP to overflow immediately into FP and vice versa, therefore queuing both groups at the same time.
I suppose the best way is to get rid of SBM gueue and build two FP and WP queues, what i have problems with is how to check if agents are busy in FP gueue and direct a call to WP queue also, queuing both FP and WP at the same time.
2) If the customer makes no selection, the call should be routed as it is today which means queue both FP and WP.
This sounds like a perfectly reasonable request - I'm not entirely sure of why it might puzzle you? Is it the fact that your business has requested this - or you are puzzled as to how you might achieve this, in IRD?
Sorry if I sound like I am playing dumb but are you asking what approach you should take to the routing design - or are you asking if the business request is solid?
If it is just about the Routing, then your Target should be a (Virtual) Queue, which is based on either Named Agents or Named Skills of the Agents. The pre-check to determine available Agents or Skills is available functionality within IRD.
Following on from that, here's a quick mock-up... :)
Tony Your mock up is right on, yes I am puzzled as to how to achieve what they want.
Our current strategy verifies Opening Hours, Emergency, and if no agents are signed in plays a Center closed message.
The current Collecting of digits is done by Avaya when the message is played, VDN->Vector->announcement
Number: 102 Name GenesysAnc1618
Lock? n
Basic? y EAS? n G3V4 Enhanced? y ANI/II-Digits? y ASAI Routing? y
Prompting? y LAI? n G3V4 Adv Route? y CINFO? y BSR? y
01 collect 1 digits after announcement 1618
02 goto step 8 if digits = 1
03 adjunct routing link 304
04 adjunct routing link 302
05 wait-time 10 secs hearing silence
06 route-to number 500 with cov n if unconditionally
07 stop
08 messaging split 50 for extension 500
09 stop
Selection Treatments
Selection Targets
I defined a variable loc_cur_ready_agents, I tried setting an if statment.
I have a issue how to use IVR to collect digits, do we even have that capability since all collecting is done on the switch not Genesys, then I have an issue how to queue two agent groups, we use VQ in CCPulse would that show up in both VQs I can target two groups, but the selection for VQ only allows me to select one VQ.
Maybe I should just start building than worrying, is there a better guide than help file for learning to write strategies and one that explains the icons.
My understanding on your requirement is as follows
1. Want to know the user entered digits in Avaya EPABX
2. Want to overflow to the Group B, if group A is busy
For 1, you will get the info from CED function (use Assign -> call Info -> CED). You can segment it based on your requirements.
For 2, use selection object and list the two targets (Group A and Group B) in target selection. If you checked 'Clear target' check box, then the call will be overflowed. If you want to target both the groups, select the check box.
Let me know if it helps.
[s]You could also set the tserver option preserve-collected-digits=udata
When it is set to this option, the user data is kept in (I think....) a KVP called CollectedDigits.[/s]
EDIT: Actually, ignore that.... There's no real added value to doing it this way as opposed to CED[] in this case.
Thanks will try to figure out what CED is.
Read the URS guide, you will find nice examples there and what CED is.
CED=Customer Entered Digits. It's a function in IRD.
this is very simple.
first of all, you said that that you want to use IRD, thus you are implying that you use URS.
Here is what I would do:
I am always a proponent of skill-based routing; howeve,r in your case, it is definitely going to be a pain in a butt to have all people to start registering their agents and their skills, so, why not just do this:
1. you will need ONE strategy
2. you will need TWO RPs, which I will call 8000 and 9000
3. you will need TWO VQs which I will call VQ_FP and VQ_WP for...well, you can figure that one out
4. you will need to write a vector for your VDN 8000 that:
- plays announcement, collects digit and then throws adjunct to Genesys. I see that you already have that.
5. you will need to define TWO Virtual Agent Groups or simple Agent Groups in Configuration Manager that contain all of your agents. Add agent IDs of FP agents into FP agent group and WP agents into WP agent group if you want to use Agent Groups, or if all of your FP agents login into one ACD queue and WP agents login into another ACD queue, you can save a lot of time by defining Virtual Agent Groups (new agent group in CME plus this script in their Annex:"script" and inside that: LoggedIn("queuenumber@switchname") where queuenumber if your ACD for FP and WP)
Next, this is pretty simple:
IF(=CED()) with two outputs - "1" or "2" or whatever the user presses for FP and WP
Then draw a line from right of IF and [1] output to :
put Routing Icon and make it target VAG_FP with wait time set to 1 and Queue set to VQ_FP
-then, from BOTTOM connector of ROUTE (not RIGHT connector), you draw a line and connect it to:
---put Routing Icon and make it target VAG_WP with wait time set to 9999 (or whatever maximum time you want people to wait) and Queue set to VQ_WP
Then draw a line from right of IF and [2] output to :
put Routing Icon and make it target VAG_WP with wait time set to 1 and Queue set to VQ_WP
-then, from BOTTOM connector of ROUTE (not RIGHT connector), you draw a line and connect it to:
---put Routing Icon and make it target VAG_FP with wait time set to 9999 (or whatever) and Queue set to VQ_FP
DO NOT CHECK CLECK checkbox inside the route icon!
what you did:
you told Genesys to target FP agents first, but if there are no FP agents then after one second, start targeting WP agents as well and vice versa for flow 1 and 2.
Does it make sense?
But whare "icons" and "CLECK"? ROTLF ;D
Vic, you are always clear, bravo ;)
Go easy on me here - it was Friday night, I was rushing out of the door, and I saw this poor soul struggling!
Do you know how hard it is to convince a config server to boot up on Friday evening when URS and the rest of the servers are already half-drunk in some Irish pub across the street? ;D
Vic, thanks a bunch that was pretty clear, finally I had time to build it, but I ran into an issue. I collect digits like this,
Number: 105 Name ANN1653_FP1_WP2
Lock? n
Basic? y EAS? n G3V4 Enhanced? y ANI/II-Digits? y ASAI Routing? y
Prompting? y LAI? n G3V4 Adv Route? y CINFO? y BSR? y
01 collect 1 digits after announcement 1653
02 goto step 8 if digits = 0
03 adjunct routing link 304
04 adjunct routing link 302
05 wait-time 10 secs hearing silence
06 route-to number 498 with cov n if unconditionally
07 stop
08 messaging split 50 for extension 498
09 stop
The digits don't get passed on, when I select 1FP or 2WP the call always goes to WP_Agent, if I select 0 then it goes to voicemail, should I do anything else so that Genesys recognizes the digits pressed. Here is my strategy in a nutshell. Appreciate all the help. Thanks
More pics
This is from Genesys Support:
[b]The issue that you are experiencing was identified in earlier versions URS. The problem is that URS would not pull the CED value from the call if it went into a treatment block. This particular issue was addressed in the 7.6 URS stream. Please upgrade to the latest GA release of URS 7.6 to address the issue at hand.[/b]
It looks like we'll have to upgrade from 7.1 to latest version.
How difficult is it to upgrade just the URS portion, can you upgrade just that or its better to upgrade the whole suite?
Read the doc carefully. You have not assigned role for IWS within GA. Other choice is disable RBAC control on IWS object.
Again??? Old threads with no link at all with original question...this is a bot...a very bad one