Author Topic: CS Proxyackup applications  (Read 5603 times)


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CS Proxyackup applications
« on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »
1. In our environment we are planning on installing a CS Proxy on each of the 4 servers running Genesys applications, but what would happen if the server running the primary applications fail and roll to backup, how would the backup applications communicate with Config Server if they are configured based on the primary app's and that server in the command line arguments point to CS Proxy for the failed server?

2. Is it possible to run multiple CS Proxy apps on the same server for backup purposes? and what would the impact on that server be running 4 CS Proxies, plus all backup applications?

Just curious if others can comment on how the have CS Proxy laid out in their own environment. Any comments would be greatly appreciated!



  • Guest
CS Proxyackup applications
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »
  • Best Answer
  • Hi, Tony,

    I have played with CS Proxy about half a year ago, and it was a really excellent product. To those of you who are not very familiar with it, CS Proxy acts a mirror for config server, so that a multisite user could access CME without going all the way to the main site. On top of that, you could really do cool things with security without adding three billion security definitions to every level.

    First of all, when Config Server goes down, config proxy switches to readonly mode. Since config server DOES support a warmstandby, what you can do is create a confserv_backup and make it run in a warmstandby mode. (Make sure you add [lca] section to the confserv.conf ) . Then, your config proxy will switch over to the backup config server and will be just fine.

    Why would you want to run more than one config proxy on the same machine? I don't recall reading anything about config proxies being able to operate in a standby mode, but in the worst case scenario, just have more than one config proxy, preferably one per machine.

    Here is a good question why would you want to have a backup for a config proxy? In the worst case scenario, you could always use the main confserv, can't you?

    As for the load, it is really hard to tell, because it all depends on how active your CME is. In most cases that I know about, it is not that bad at all.

    Anyway: can cs proxy be running in a warmstandby?


    • Guest
    CS Proxyackup applications
    « Reply #2 on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »
  • Best Answer
  • Hi Vic,

    Thanks for the info. One question I have is that what would happen if CS Proxy would go down and all the applications that are connecting to CS Proxy would not be able to communicate with the Config Server, that is why I would want to install the CS Proxy. Am I missing something with my design???



    • Guest
    CS Proxyackup applications
    « Reply #3 on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »
  • Best Answer
  • Well, actually if your cs proxy goes down, your applications will be just fine. There are several things that you should consider though:

    any updates made to the main configuration server would not be propagated to your application UNTIL it either connect to another CS proxy, the current CS proxy recovers or the application connecteds directly to the main config server.

    any applications that are not up will not be able to start unless there is some kind of source for them to read their CME.

    When CME goes down, your running system just issues a message saying that CME is down and that it is trying to reconnect... It will not affect your call flow.

    How big is your call center? If it is not THAT big, I would not worry that much about CSProxy redundancy THAT much. Just create two CSProxies, set one as backup of another one in CME, connect them to config server, and then connect your apps to it. Then kill the primary cs proxy and see if you apps switch to your backup cs proxy. Then restart your primary cs proxy and kill the backup one and then check if the primary one is working.

    Tell me if it switched ok.