Author Topic: Outbound suite 5.1 with TServer 6.1  (Read 2871 times)


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Outbound suite 5.1 with TServer 6.1
« on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »
Now, I have two installs of genesys, the first have Genesys 5.1 and the second have Genesys 6.1.

I need to configure the Outbound Suite 5.1 to call with the TServer 6.1.

Someone help me!


david donohoe

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Outbound suite 5.1 with TServer 6.1
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »
Hi, we had to upgrade our Tserver when we moved from Meridian Link to Symposium Link and Symposium tserver 5.1 was no longer available.

Assuming you won't have a mixture of tservers using the same license file, you'll need to upgrade the license file to be compatible with v6 tserver. Our vendor did this for us. You may also have to upgrade to a v6 license manager.

You'll also need a v6 Tserver application template to create your new tserver application from.

The tricky bit is the settings in tserver as it depends on your switch (I'm only familiar with Meridian), but the default settings should get you most of the way. E.g. As I said we moved to Symposium link and there were issues with how agents got calls (as the calls are routed to CDNs (and thence Symposium skillsets) and not ACDDNs as previously. There were several changes required for this and we're still fine tuning it.

Finally, you may have to upgrade the versions of other components. We had to upgrade license manager, campaign manager and list manager.

If you are using Meridian and want some more info, please let me know.



Marked as best answer by on October 04, 2024, 01:29:51 AM


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Outbound suite 5.1 with TServer 6.1
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »
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  • Hi Frank, we have a Lucent G3, and when we upgraded to 6.5, I made no changes whatsoever. Mostly, I just made sure the setting in the 5.1 tserver matched the ones in 6.5 tserver.

    No changes were needed to the oubound components. You might need newer versions of your outbound 5.1 components only if you have really old versions.