Author Topic: Reading a CME Annex data within IWD.  (Read 2606 times)

Offline Vegeta

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Reading a CME Annex data within IWD.
« on: August 12, 2016, 06:47:04 AM »
Mighty genesis wizards,

Request your help or guidance with below.

In one of the other threads I have raised a similar thread ( on how to read from CME 'Options') and based on responses I was able to work it out.

Solution was more closer to..the code below.
[code]CfgApplication app = configService.MyApplication;
And then, app.UserProperties (annex) , appOptions (options)

in this code snippet the objectpath is taken as Config/Environment/Desktop/Applications/MYAPPNAME and then I fetched OPTIONs, but now the objectpath and Attribute(Annex) are different, I tried to create a cfgDN and consume the Userproperties from that  yet no luck..

whilst now I was trying to consume a value in Config/Resources/Switches/DNs/AgentName/Extensions -- within Extension there is a Annex value and I was trying to consume it via aforesaid method, yet no luck.

I have tried to use the  'configService' and frame a query , but that didn't work neither, any help or guidance on how to fetch the annex value would be really helpful.


Offline Vegeta

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Re: Reading a CME Annex data within IWD.
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2016, 01:26:45 PM »
Finally had some update from Genesys and just if it might benefit others in any analogous scenario - PFB the solution we were given.

What I was trying to read in WDE Code , from the CME..

in CME... Config/Resources/Switches/DNs/EXTNAME/Extensions within that Annex, we had a KVP under Section ( eg Under Annex, we had a Section1 and it inturn had a Key1-Value1)

var Annex_Value1 = ((Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.Voice.Model.Agents.IMediaVoice)Model.Case.MainInteraction.Media).ConfDN.UserProperties.GetAsKeyValueCollection("Section1").GetAsString("Key1");[/code]