Author Topic: WFM Integration API, not able to get AWP/AWOP types.  (Read 2513 times)

Offline Rogelio Gutierrez

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WFM Integration API, not able to get AWP/AWOP types.
« on: August 18, 2016, 03:38:52 PM »
Hello All,

Currently we are working on get AWP occurrences from our WFM database. We are getting some occurrences that are AWP and has type 8, state id 72, but the occurrences obtained with this filters are combined with not AWP occurrences. Comparing with the DB values, with these filters we have AWOP´s, vacations, meetings etc (they seem to be all the absence types).

We are wondering how to get the exact type of absence/exception.

Currently we are using:
WFMScheduleService712Soap: getAgentState (getting SchAgentStateHolder)

None of the information obtained has helped us to find the exact exception code.

Thank you.