Author Topic: Consume "Dictionary ConfigApplication" Values read when WDE loads within code  (Read 2945 times)

Offline Vegeta

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Mighty Genesys Wizards,

Request your help to understand if there is any feasibility to read below within WDE code without opening a Config Server Object within code?

1. When I look into InteractionWorkspace.logs , I could see that WDE Is reading the below values [Have pasted a Extract]
[code]#############################  Dictionary ConfigApplication #############################
'<media-type>.auto-answer'                                                                ='false'
'<media-type>.auto-answer.enable-reject'                                                  ='false'
...//Arul -- some Config Values
''                                                            ='F1'

is there any code feasibility to read these parameters in a any collection obj or any other obj within the WDE code?
i.e can I somehow read the same values eg: ( '' ='F1') without creating a new Config object , opening a connection etc?

Reason I am saying without a new config obj being created is that - if WDE is able to read this value while its loading can we not consume it readily in code somehow?

Please advice.

Offline cavagnaro

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Maybe if you look at WDE source code and find the variable that holds it and somehow fork it to your code

Offline Vegeta

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Many Thanks for the advice. I was able to find some clue what it was doing during load also some of the Genesys community posts helped me out.

Just if it might benefit others - typing how I was able to consume it.

I found that its reading those entries from one of CME options under my Application name.
So I used the below property within my constructor to get those shortcuts and some other custom options..

MyApplication = Gets the configuration application.
Declaration Syntax = CfgApplication MyApplication { get; }

IConfigurationService configService = container.Resolve<IConfigurationService>();
  app = configService.MyApplication;

  Platform.Commons.Collections.KeyValueCollection cme = (Platform.Commons.Collections.KeyValueCollection)app.Options["OPTION NAME"];

Offline cavagnaro

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Thanks for sharing

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