Author Topic: Sending Data from IWS to Open Methods POP Flow for Oracle Right NOW  (Read 3058 times)

Offline abbas.mirza12

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Dear Esteemed Members,

We are integrating Genesys IWS with Oracle Right Now with the help of Open Methods POP FLOW for screen pop up.

Open Methods will perform screen pop up once the call from customer comes in. Genesys IWS will send interaction data in the form of HTTP GET request where interaction context is passed as query strings from Genesys to POP FLOW.

The Interaction data that we need to send is ANI (/interaction-ani), DNIS (/interaction-dnis) or Type of Interaction (/interaction-type).

I am using Genesys IWS version 8.1.4. If any other information is required please do let me know

I would appreciate if anyone can help me or guide me in achieving this.



Offline Kubig

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And what is not clear on that? You can use the command (based on EventEstablished) to recognize, that the call was answered by the agent and the app is able to send the requested data. On this forum and on Genesys sites are many samples how to develop it.

Offline abbas.mirza12

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Hi Kubig,

Can you please share the URL which can help me as i am new to this.

Appreciate your support on this.



Offline Kubig

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Try to take a look at local forum (development part) or standard Genesys sites (, or directly - in this case, you must have an access to Genesys portal.

Offline nonny

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Where are you located?  What services does RightNow actually provide?

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