Hi everyone,
I have a problem with the Web Service. My stategie is very basic with only the bloque Web Service in IRD.
URS found the URL but does not send anything to the network connection (nothing in Wireshark capture).
And TServer route the call to the default target imediatly when it arrive to the block WebService. So URS received a EventRouteUsed(strange) from TServer.
URS log :
11:28:46.674_T_I_006c0280901ce001 [14:0c] EventRouteRequest is received for ts TServer_A4400[A4400] (this dn=3975770)
_T_I_006c0280901ce001 [14:09] add DN TServer_A4400 3975770 <3975770@A4400> (CDN 71 006c0280901ce001 00000000021c73a0) to the call 1-0000000002145580 truly:11
_T_I_006c0280901ce001 [14:08] check delayed proc
_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [14:33] strategy: *0x65*Test webservice (1736585013) is attached to the call
11:28:46.674 Int 20001 interaction 006c0280901ce001 is started
_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [01:14] current call classification: media=voice(100), service=default(200), segment=default(300)
11:28:46.675_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [09:06] >>>>>>>>>>>>start interp()
_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [09:04] ASSIGN: __Return(SCRIPT) <- STRING: ""
_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [07:46] no error mode for this call
_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [09:04] ASSIGN: __Return(SCRIPT) <- STRING: ""
_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [09:04] ASSIGN: __DBReturn(SCRIPT) <- STRING: ""
_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [09:04] ASSIGN: __DBStrReturn(SCRIPT) <- STRING: ""
_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [09:04] ASSIGN: __TargetVar(SCRIPT) <- STRING: ""
_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [09:04] ASSIGN: var_URL(LOCAL) <- STRING: "http://dev.vite-ma-hotline.com/api/mairie_de_paris_booking_svi/v17.0/zen/requests/0231313232/has_current_zencalls/?format=json"
_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [09:04] ASSIGN: __IntVar(LOCAL) <- INTEGER: 5
11:28:46.683_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [07:50] HERE IS XDATA
11:28:46.683_H_I_ [08:10] GET request 1 sent to HTTP Bridge:
URL: http://dev.vite-ma-hotline.com/api/mairie_de_paris_booking_svi/v17.0/zen/requests/0231313232/has_current_zencalls/?format=json
Authent: 2 test_api mdp_test_api
11:28:46.683_I_I_006c0280901ce001 [09:04] <<<<<<<<<<<<suspend interp(WAIT_HTTP), func:GetHttpRequestInfoTLS timers:00010
11:28:48.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 1(1)=0+1-0, targets=0, firsters=0, time=1460626128, mem=0,13083,178,15,192,1,2,0)
11:28:48.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(0 0/1024)
11:28:48.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE no calls, skipped: 0 cpu 1 missed 2 next
11:28:50.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 1(1)=1+0-0, targets=0, firsters=0, time=1460626130, mem=0,13083,178,15,192,1,2,0)
11:28:50.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(0 0/1024)
11:28:50.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE no calls, skipped: 0 cpu 2 missed 2 next
received from 65200(TServer_A4400)P12-APP01-DEV:3001(fd=) message EventRouteUsed
AttributeNetworkCallID b7620f577c346300
AttributeCallState 23
AttributeCallType 2
AttributePropagatedCallType 2
AttributeConnID 006c0280901ce001
AttributeDNIS '3975770'
AttributeANI 'xxxxx'
AttributeThisDN '3975770'
AttributeThisDNRole 2
AttributeThisQueue '3975770'
AttributeCallID 13436
AttributeThisTrunk 263647
AttributeOtherDN 'xxxxx'
AttributeOtherDNRole 1
AttributeOtherTrunk 263647
AttributeErrorCode 402
AttributeExtensions [185] 00 06 01 00..
'GCTI_GLOB_CID' bin: b7 62 0f 57.. (len=8)
'BusinessCall' 1
AttributeTimeinSecs 1460626131 (11:28:51)
AttributeTimeinuSecs 605000
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000118
11:28:51.609_T_I_006c0280901ce001 [14:0c] EventRouteUsed(strange) is received for ts TServer_A4400[A4400] (this dn=3975770)
_T_I_006c0280901ce001 [14:0a] del DN (TServer_A4400[A4400] 3975770 00000000021c73a0) controlled=0 calluuid=1 cleanup=0(ref.id=0)
_T_W_006c0280901ce001 [14:0a] there is no DNs for call, delayed selfdestruction(15)
received from 65200(TServer_A4400)P12-APP01-DEV:3001(fd=) message EventDiverted
AttributeNetworkCallID b7620f577c346300
AttributeCallState 20
AttributeCallType 2
AttributePropagatedCallType 2
AttributeConnID 006c0280901ce001
AttributeDNIS '3975770'
AttributeANI 'xxxxx'
AttributeThisDN '3975770'
AttributeThisDNRole 2
AttributeThisQueue '3975770'
AttributeCallID 13436
AttributeThisTrunk 263647
AttributeOtherDN 'xxxxx'
AttributeOtherDNRole 1
AttributeOtherTrunk 263647
AttributeErrorCode 402
AttributeExtensions [185] 00 06 01 00..
'GCTI_GLOB_CID' bin: b7 62 0f 57.. (len=8)
'BusinessCall' 1
AttributeTimeinSecs 1460626131 (11:28:51)
AttributeTimeinuSecs 607000
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 000000000000011a
11:28:51.619_T_I_006c0280901ce001 [14:0c] EventDiverted is received for ts TServer_A4400[A4400] (this dn=3975770)
TServer log :
+++ Post-event +++
Type EventRouteRequest
Devices: <3975770/-> <-/675311716> <-/->
Calls: 13436/006c0280901ce001/13436.0229adb0/c:2/r:0['34 7c'H] 0/none
Network ID: b7620f577c346300:0
Parties: D3975770/3975770.0229b160-0229adb0:1/l:2/r:0/Queued,RtRequest,Destination[c='34 7c'H r='15 00 05 df'H d=dynamicID : '05 df 01 04'H]
Xxxxxx/xxxxx.0229af60-0229adb0:1/l:1/r:0/Dialing,Origination[c='34 7c'H d=dynamicID : '05 df 01 04'H]
ANI/DNIS: <xxxxx> <3975770>
Cause: NewCall/22, Info: 0
Call type: Inbound/2
Flags: divert=0 hook=0 postCall=0 active=1 moveAll=1 callType=1 hideOtherPi=0 InternalOther=0
--- Post-event ---
--- CIFace::Event ---
11:28:46.659 --- Input ---
-AP[64]-<-528 @11:28:51.4140
-Ap[64]->-528 @11:28:51.4140
11:28:51.605 +++ Input +++
11:28:51.605 DataFromSwitch 21 bytes
0000-000f 00 13 a1 11 02 02 74 99 02 01 23 30 08 58 04 15 |......t...#0.X..|
0010-0014 00 05 df 87 00 |..... |
aPDU-rose : invoke : {
invokeID 29849,
operationValue local : 35,
argument {
crossRefIdentifier '15 00 05 df'H,
errorValue unspecifiedErrors : NULL
-- party is connected
-- (a4400) rtEnd due to drop
SetRouteEnd: party 3975770.0229b160-0229adb0:1, cause CallForward
@11:28:51.6050 [0] distribute_event: message EventRouteUsed
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000118
AttributeTimeinuSecs 605000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1460626131 (11:28:51)
AttributeExtensions [185] 00 06 01 00..
'GCTI_GLOB_CID' bin: b7 62 0f 57.. (len=8)
'BusinessCall' 1
AttributeErrorCode 402
AttributeOtherTrunk 263647
AttributeOtherDNRole 1
AttributeOtherDN 'xxxxx'
AttributeThisTrunk 263647
AttributeCallID 13436
AttributeThisQueue '3975770'
AttributeThisDNRole 2
AttributeThisDN '3975770'
AttributeANI 'xxxxx'
AttributeDNIS '3975770'
AttributeConnID 006c0280901ce001
AttributePropagatedCallType 2
AttributeCallType 2
AttributeCallState 23
AttributeNetworkCallID b7620f577c346300
11:28:51.605 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventRouteUsed" generated
Web log:
Debug level set to 'LOW'
04/14/16@11:18:11.795: HTTP Bridge
Version: 8.1.400.09
Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc., Copyright 1991-2014
locale: English_United States.1252
http_port: 82
http_log_file: D:\GCTI\Logs\URS\web_log
http_log_size: 10000
log_buffering: false
log_remove_old_files: 2
verbose: 3
log_hide_private_data: false
soap_retry_attempts: 2
soap_retry_timeout: 5
soap_conn_idle_timeout: 15
http_conn_idle_timeout: 10000
wfm_polling_interval: 15
04/14/16@11:18:11.797: Server opened on socket 296
04/14/16@11:18:12.520: [WFM] Thread 300 activated
04/14/16@11:18:12.521: Client connected. Socket 312
04/14/16@11:28:46.683: Ref 1. GetHttpRequestInfo request received
04/14/16@11:28:46.683: [HTTP Handler Pool 0000000000f45e30] R(0), H(0), I(0), B(0), C(0)
04/14/16@11:28:46.683: [HTTP Response 0000000001026358] Created
04/14/16@11:28:46.683: [HTTP Client 0000000001026330] Created
04/14/16@11:28:46.683: [SOAP Client 00000000010262a8] Created
04/14/16@11:28:46.683: [HTTP Handler 0000000001026230] Created
04/14/16@11:28:46.683: [HTTP Handler Pool 0000000000f45e30] Handler 0000000001026230 created. Total handlers: 1
04/14/16@11:28:46.683: [HTTP Handler 0000000001026230] Processing request. Ref 1
04/14/16@11:28:46.683: [HTTP Handler 0000000001026230] State 'Busy'
04/14/16@11:28:46.683: [HTTP Handler 0000000001026230] Ref 1. Attempting to contact Web Server
HTTP Method: GET
URL: http://dev.vite-ma-hotline.com/api/mairie_de_paris_booking_svi/v17.0/zen/requests/0231313232/has_current_zencalls/?format=json
HTTP Auth: Basic
04/14/16@11:28:46.683: [HTTP Client 0000000001026330] Connecting to http://dev.vite-ma-hotline.com/api/mairie_de_paris_booking_svi/v17.0/zen/requests/0231313232/has_current_zencalls/?format=json
04/14/16@11:29:07.682: [HTTP Client 0000000001026330] Connection exception on socket 304
04/14/16@11:29:07.682: [HTTP Client 0000000001026330] Socket 304 closed
04/14/16@11:29:07.682: Ref 1. Response with event type 6 (status 0) sent to client
04/14/16@11:29:07.682: [HTTP Handler 0000000001026230] State 'Idle'
Somebody can help, please.