Author Topic: Chat Disconnect Event is not triggered From IE browser Ends with blank chat  (Read 2463 times)

Offline Raja Sekhar

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Hi All,

I am facing a issue in Ending a chat interaction from client browser particularly IE all versions.

As soon as, Customer opts for Chat, the request is sent to Chat server - Interaction server - URS server, intern that call is parked to the agent, When customer suddenly disconnects the chat but force closing the browser (clicking Cross button) , The end chat event from browser is not reaching Web API server, intern it results with BLANK CHAT to the agent.

Need a solution, Please help ASAP.

Observation :

[b][color=green]General case[/color][/b]

When customer disconnect  chat from web browser, In the WebAPI logs below is the final transaction for that interaction

16:51:41.295] [Session ID: 0000DaB88HDB528B] INFO: [color=red][b]Chat Session Finished at 16:51:41[/b][/color]

Note: Here we can find the chat session finished message in the webapi and in chat server logs the session has been disconnected at the same time when the customer disconnected from browser and the respective chat got abandoned

[color=green][b]Blank Chat case[/b][/color]

When a customer disconnect chat from web browser, In the WebAPI logs below is the final transaction for that interaction.

15:53:07.270] [Session ID: 0000DaB88HDB50XK] INFO: transcript.getSessionId() = 0000DaB88HDB50XK

15:53:07.270] [Session ID: 0000DaB88HDB50XK] INFO: eil ------------->>> null

Offline cavagnaro

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I think you need to verify if the chat is offline on your strategy, the samples do cover that.
Also, Genesys support guys should have more experience to them and you can demand a date for resolution if the issue is critical.