Author Topic: Connecting to Confg Server to get the TLS Parameters  (Read 2549 times)

Offline cdavid

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Connecting to Confg Server to get the TLS Parameters
« on: July 29, 2015, 06:48:36 PM »
1) There are 2 ports defined in our config server - a default port and a Auto-detect port
2) Digital Certificates are installed on the config server
We are able to connect to the default port but the Auto-detect port gives us a connection timed out error
We are using the following code:
boolean tlsEnabled = false;
TrustManager trustManager = TrustManagerHelper.createDefaultTrustManager();
KeyManager keyManager = KeyManagerHelper.createEmptyKeyManager();
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContextHelper.createSSLContext(keyManager, trustManager);
sslContext.init(null, getTrustManagers(), null);
SSLExtendedOptions sslOptions = new SSLExtendedOptions(false, "TLS");
ConnectionConfiguration connConf = new KeyValueConfiguration(new KeyValueCollection());
Endpoint cfgServerEndpoint = new Endpoint(confClientName, hostName, confServerPort,
                                            connConf, tlsEnabled, sslContext, sslOptions);
cConfServerProtocoonfProtocol = new ConfServerProtocol(cfgServerEndpoint);
getTrustManagers() - loads the CA and returns the TrustManager
tlsEnabled - is false as auto-detect port is suppose to work like a upgrade mode port - returns a timeout error for the auto detect port
for the default port it is able to open - so the hostname, etc must be correct.
Any idea what is going wrong or is our understanding incorrect?

Offline cdavid

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Re: Connecting to Confg Server to get the TLS Parameters
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2015, 07:24:16 PM »
Sorry - this was a firewall issue - it has been resolved now - able to connect to Configuration server