Author Topic: IWS - Conference and hold music  (Read 2401 times)

Offline obegendi

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IWS - Conference and hold music
« on: February 19, 2015, 12:45:28 PM »

There is a case about my project. I prepare a IVR on one of my DNs. So when agent talking with the customer, if customer want to go with ivr agent start with conference with IVR, agent musn't hear the voices that customer's DTMF. So i put to agent hold and there is problem come around. Agent dont hear any noice, it is ok but i want to hear hold music. Then there is big problem and that is customer hear hold music too, how can block this ?

When agent click the button; im sending RequestSingleStepConference(agentDN, connid, IVRDN) after that im sending RequestHoldCall(agentDN,connid).
Is it ok ? If its ok how can i turn off hold music and give it to agent while customer talking with IVR. If there is another way to do to it, how can i do or where can i from learn about it ?

Thank you.