That is a clever idea (the .DLL). I will take it a step further and make it accept values stored in a transaction list that house the appropriate SQL statements to be executed.
In terms of RT reporting, this DB query method will allow us to move beyond the OCS 5 custom statistics that can be defined. Additionally, those OCS custom stats can be refreshed anywhere from 5 seconds to maximum integer - but I don't necessarily want to put a strain on our DB to refresh all the OCS Java based stats when I might only need 1 or 2. I should also be able to tag the (nolock) directive on my SQL statements if this works.
For example, we have a list that houses tens of thousands of records. A system is continually inserting new records. All records are actually of type Campaign Rescheduled to prevent them from dialing before a certain time. We would like to add a stat to CCP+ that shows how many records are ready now (this is an out of the box stat), and how many records will be eligible to dial within the next 5 minutes (records of type ready, retrieved, with dial_sched_time of <= current time + 5 minutes) - this could be accomplished via custom DB query.
I think there might be other use cases. I have not used GAX/LRM yet and don't know where licenses are tracked - but maybe license utilization could be pulled into CCP+ this way too if someone was curious?