Author Topic: Platform SDK 8.1, ways of getting "PA Session Info" from OCS [Java]  (Read 3123 times)

Offline artem.koloskov

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Hello, everyone!
So, with [b]cavagnaro[/b]'s and [b]Kubig[/b]'s help my project advanced pretty far now, for which i'm very grateful. But today i have another question for hive mind of SDK developers.

In OCS logs there's a section, which contains really valuable info for our environment, called [b][tt]PA Session Info[/tt][/b]. It seems, that every time this info collected by OCS, it sparks [b][tt]Session Status Event[/tt][/b]. Here's sample for you:

[code]08:51:25.220 PA Session Info:
OwnerDBID: 193; Campaign DBID: 384; Group DBID: 781; Name: OBN_IP_Skill3_Campaign@OBN_IP_Skill3_Group;
Mode: Predictive; Status: Running; WorkTime: 10258;
Optimization: Average Waiting Time; Goal: 15; ProgressiveFlag: 0;
CPD Ports: 488; Free Ports: 354;
Dynamic Port Allocation; Options - Number of CPD Ports: 0; ASM Channel Num: 0;
Estimated Ports: Dial=  660.1;
Unable to initiate outbound dialing;
Outlier Limit - Out: 600; In: 600;
Timeout - Dial: 120; Handle: 1800; Consider: 1800;
Calls predicted: 0; Engage calls predicted: 0; Algorithm:  Classical
Expected: Busy Factor= 0.917; Abandon Rate= 0.110; Wait Time=  15.00;
Real:                  0.696;              0.077;            56.41;
Current for  20 min:  0.561;              0.026;            88.90; (unreliable)
Agents/Places - Total: 73; Ready: 62; Engaged: 0; BusyOut: 1; BusyInB: 1;
BusyPaper: 2; BusyUnk: 0; BusyRingOrDial: 0; NotAvail: 7;
CheckedOut: 1;
Calls Engaging - Dialed: 0;
Calls Outbound - Dialed: 134; Queued: 0; Established: 6;
Calls Inbound  - Queued: 0; Established: 0;
Hit Ratio: 0.0200; Option Min:  2.00%; CallsNumber: 579;
Durations - Out: 166.91; In: 161.39; Total: 166.59; Dial: 20.65; Contact: 20.02; NoContact: 33.36; Engage:  0.00; ACW: 29.72;
Traffic  - Out: 0.152; In: 0.009;
Outbound Calls - TotalDialed: 74225; Established: 1721; Completed: 1715;
NoContact: 70059; NoContactAM: 3545; Abandoned: 144; Cleaned: 1227; Removed: 947; Removed_AM: 0;
Abnormal Abandoned: 2;
Other Calls    - Established: 302; Completed: 301;

08:51:25.220 Session Status Event
GSW_CM_MessageType              34 [GSW_CM_EvPrimaryCallProgress]
GSW_CM_AttrCampaignID          384
GSW_CM_AttrGroupID              781
'PA_HIT_RATIO' '0.0200'
'PA_INB_RATE' '  0.01'
'PA_ACW_DURATION' ' 29.72'
'PA_ABN_ABANDONED' '2'[/code]

So the question is: is there some request that could make OCS return, ideally, whole [b][tt]PA Session Info[/tt][/b] or, at least, [b][tt]Session Status Even[/tt][/b] (though [b][tt]PA Session Info[/tt][/b] contains so much more valuable info)? My studies haven't helped find answer other then "there is none", but i really hope i'm mistaken. Would be great to get any help. Thanks!

P.S. or probably there's some another ways of getting needed info? Blocks that i'm particularly interested in:

[code] Estimated Ports: Dial=  660.1;
Unable to initiate outbound dialing;[/code]

[code] Hit Ratio: 0.0200; Option Min:  2.00%; CallsNumber: 579;[/code]

Offline cavagnaro

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Re: Platform SDK 8.1, ways of getting "PA Session Info" from OCS [Java]
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2014, 02:02:16 AM »
No clue about the CPD ports but the others can be easily read not by OCS PSDK, but by StatServer PSDK ;)