Author Topic: Understanding setbusytreatment function in Genesys routing  (Read 2432 times)

Offline sorav84

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Understanding setbusytreatment function in Genesys routing
« on: August 29, 2014, 03:55:05 AM »
Hi everyone,

I know this issue has already been discussed and it gives some explanation for this function.

Can somebody throw some more thought on to this function , this function is not listed in any of routing documents,

not even mentioned in IRD and URS still process this function.

As a function -

#What are its parameters and what is their significance.

#How it is beneficial than todays standard busy treatments block in IRD. or it solves only certain particular functionality.

Please point to link or doc if you know any or this is too much information to be put here.


Offline terry

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Re: Understanding setbusytreatment function in Genesys routing
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2014, 03:29:08 PM »
- Usually IRD use this function in hidden way - for every single busy treatment from busy treatment block it will add into strategy one call of this function. How all treatment data from dialog "packed" into function parameters - better to see source strategy code generated with IRD.

- Can be used explicitly if for whatever reasons logic defining targets need to be separated from logic
defining busy treatments (Selection object "force" to define everything in one place). In 8.1.4 though for such things better to use AddBusyTreatment function - simplified version of SetBusyTreatment function
more suitable for independent from Selection object usage.