" /> How to generate the flash-hook with in the GVP logic - Genesys CTI User Forum

Author Topic: How to generate the flash-hook with in the GVP logic  (Read 2141 times)

Offline ADB

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How to generate the flash-hook with in the GVP logic
« on: July 21, 2014, 10:57:53 PM »
I am just curious on how to generate the flash-hook with in the GVP logic?

We are also trying to use Avaya with GVP with no CTI interface.
Avaya runs the converse-on command in the vector to pass the control to GVP.

03 wait-time 2 seconds hearing music
04 converse-on split/skill z pri l passing none and none
05 collect n digits
06 goto vector 1 if digits = 1
07 goto vector 2 if digits = 2
08 stop

Once the IVR completes, it has to send the VDN information the call should be routed to. The Collect digits step would get the VDN info and route the call appropriately.
The IVR application should send hook-flash (short line disconnect) signal into the established line, then, after getting the dial tone, it should dial Converse Data Return FAC(*09) followed by the VDN digit string. The string may consist of several substrings separated by # sign, in this case it will be treated as several strings.

The issue we have is, how to generate the hook-flash in the GVP code.

There is a GVP extension method HKF but not sure how to use it.

Offline ADB

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Re: How to generate the flash-hook with in the GVP logic
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2014, 01:30:45 AM »
Found the solution by experimenting. A simple <Transfer> would do the hook-flash followed by the desired digits like FAC + VDN to be transferred to. Avaya Vector would do the collect digits to get the VDN number and then routes the call to the desired VDN.

Previously I was using the <PLAY> tag with DTMF and PAUSE tags to play the FAC and VDN but did not work.