Author Topic: Invoke CCXML Session from an External Source in Voice Genie 7.1  (Read 2693 times)

Offline mumtazalam2k

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I want to build an Outbound dialer solution using CCXML.
Unfortunately I am using the old Voice Genie with CCXML / VXML setup.

I have written the code to create an outbound call using CCXML in a JSP page and hosted it on the Web Server.

However if I simply invoke the JSP page, it will simply load by itself and show the CCXML snippet.
How do I ensure that this is actually invoked on the CCXML Interpreter in the Voice Genie box?

The old Voice Genie CCXML Interpreter only supports HTTP IO Processor for Sending / Receiving basic events.
In order to create a new CCXML Session, as per CCXML W3C Specifications, the IO Processor for CreateSession should be supported.

Does anyone have any ideas if any other workaround exists in Voice Genie setup to achieve the objective of invoking (creating a new CCXML session) from external source?

Any clues.
