Hi there
Time by time , then I read in customer request something like this: "when a call comes in, we we'd like to be informed when the call is started, ended, when the call is transferred etc.so we can call our homemade CRM system with some data about the interaction", - the first question what I every time ask - WHY?!
Why you need to inform you CRM about every call transformation step? In my world, CRM - it all about customer relations, but call transformtion tracking - it's not about relations it's about you infrastructire technical work.
So, don't invent the new bike! Use already existing one!
Ask yourself about motiv, about real task what you need to achive!?
You need to integrate routing system with CRM to achive the dynamic and intellectual routing?
You homemade CRM must provide this data to routing system. Create SOAP interface or any other API-like call point. And use it from URS/ORS/GVP.
You need technical tracking for control , for reporting system, etc?
Use ICON and Statserver/CCA. It's both don't need any additional licenses and easy to deploy, support and use for enduser. DataMart and CCPulse do not meet the user requirements ? Use any of available BI system or just create the banch of homemade reports with any reporting system.
Well, another side.
You need to integrate the agent desktop with you homemade CRM?
And again in most cases you don't need any custom servers to monitor low-level T-Lib interfaces from T-Servers. Which one agent desktop you use? Is it any of comercial system or homemade too? If it's homemade - why you just can't send the interaction data from it? If it's commercial - ask the developers about such cusomizing API.
For example, both of Genesys standart solution (i mean GAD and IWS) have a great capabilities to create such custom extensions.