Author Topic: Third-party IVR integracion with Genesys CTI  (Read 7032 times)

Offline Yesus

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Third-party IVR integracion with Genesys CTI
« on: June 26, 2013, 10:13:59 AM »
Hi all,

At the moment, we are trying to integrate a third-party IVR (connected to an Avaya Session Manager by SIP) with the Genesys CTI.

We are thinking in used a Genesys SIP Server to do that but we are not sure if we need to put an IVR Tserver and a CTI connector too.

I´m assumig  that if we put an IVR Tserver and a CTI connector we will need to use the IVR SDKs that Genesys provides for this purpose but... Do you think could be posible to do it using the SIP Server without IVR Tserver? I know that for example with GVP 8 is not necesary use the IVR Tserver but Genesys provides methods to do so.

Any help from people that faces problem like this will be apreciated.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 10:17:31 AM by Yesus »

Offline Kubig

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Re: Third-party IVR integracion with Genesys CTI
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2013, 11:49:37 AM »
In generally it depends on your need, if you need CTI function, you have to deploy IVR T-Server and CTI connector too, of course, or if you want to use IVR-centric via routing to a place group. In other cases , is the IVR server not necessary and you can deploy without CTI functions.
I have deployed approx 20 GVP8 env. and I have installed/integrated CTI only in one case (migration from 7.6 to 8.1 without changes in routing). I suggest and strongly recommend to deploy it without IVR.

Offline Yesus

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Re: Third-party IVR integracion with Genesys CTI
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2013, 02:09:28 PM »
Thank you for your response.

The truth is that I think we need Genesys CTI functionality because Genesys is the one that is routing the calls to an agent and the IVR is retrieving or sending data to Genesys CTI.

We have several third-party IVR (TDM, not SIP) integrated with Genesys, we develop a driver based on the Genesys IVR XML SDKs that uses IVR Tserver, but in those cases we have "physical" ports that Genesys can monitorice.

Now we are going to connect our third-party IVR with an Avaya Session Manager throught SIP trunk, so there is not going to be physical ports...

Do you know if it is mandatory an IVR Tserver to integrate third-party IVR with Genesys CTI (Genesys CTI is the one that controls free agents )?

My main doubt is to know if is it posible (and Genesys supports it) to integrate directly the Genesys SIP Server with the IVR (using a Genesys SDK) having CTI funcionality.

Sorry if my explanation is a bit confusing  :-[

Offline Kubig

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Re: Third-party IVR integracion with Genesys CTI
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2013, 02:24:29 PM »
It is necessary to know what are CTI functions for voice application. You have mixed two thing toghether. CTI functions are:

[li]RouteRequest (do not change with Transfer)[/li]
[li]InteractionData - Set/Retrieve[/li]
[li]Retrieve Statistics[/li]
[li]ICM functions[/li]

but all depends on customer needs and how "large" the env'll be. In case, where your knowledge are insufficient, you can invite Genesys PS. This topic is truly generally and write all aspects is not possible.

Why are you decide for IVR XML, for what reasons? VXML is insufficient? Your env is very large? What are you plans with IVR to the near future?
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 02:30:26 PM by Kubig »

Offline René

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Re: Third-party IVR integracion with Genesys CTI
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2013, 04:36:19 PM »
Hi Yesus,

I cannot find key information in your posts - what Genesys functionality do want to use on IVR side? I mean functionality like transfer business data from IVR with the call, retrieve statistics from Genesys etc. This is very important as it helps you to determine what integration should be used.

For your information - it is possible to use Genesys IVR Option even in situation when IVR is connected via SIP trunk so it isn't possible to monitor 'physical' channel. Such deployment is called 'In-Front' mode and IVR T-Server plays a role of virtual switch in that case.


Offline Yesus

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Re: Third-party IVR integracion with Genesys CTI
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2013, 10:57:34 AM »
Hi René and thanks for your response.

Basically we need some basic funcionality that now we have in a driver we implemented using the Genesys IVR SDK 8.0 XML like:
- NewCall
- UDataGet
- UDataGetAll
- UDataSet
- UDataDel
- UDataResp
- GetStatReq
- AccessNumGet
(Transfer/Conferencing Messages)
- OneStepXfer
- OneStepConf
- InitXfer
- InitConf
- CompleteXfer
- CompleteConf

This driver make calls to a IVR Server using those methods and obtains the responses.

The problem is that we are going to deploy third-party IVRs (not GVP) that are connected via SIP Trunk and this driver is not working any more because there is no "physical" ports in the IVR that are necesary in those methods. So we need to develop a new driver to make this integration with similar funcionality.

I´m wondering if in a SIP scenary like the one we are facing has sense the use of a Genesys IVR Server or perhaps should be a better option use a Genesys SIP server and the SIP headers to do the funcionality we need (as you say transfer and retrieve business data from IVR with the call, retrieve statistics from Genesys, Transfer/Conferencing Messages).

Regards. Jesús

Offline René

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Re: Third-party IVR integracion with Genesys CTI
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2013, 04:33:17 PM »
Hi Jesus,

You should use 'In-Front' mode for your deployment if SIP trunk connection is used between 3rd party IVR and switch. I'm pretty sure that 3rd party IVR uses ports internally so your driver must map these ports to ports created on Genesys side under virtual IVR switch.

You can find more details about In-Front mode in the IVR Server System Administrator's Guide.
