Author Topic: Reason code for AgentNotReady event  (Read 9580 times)

Offline florence_c

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Reason code for AgentNotReady event
« on: December 20, 2012, 10:37:47 AM »

We work with switch Avaya ACM and TServer for this switch.

When an EventAgentNotReady occurs, I believe there is a reason code associated to this event (integer from 1 to 99 sent by switch), but I see nothing in the attributes of the event that could be a reason code. Here is what I see in TServer logs for EventAgentNotReady event :

@14:22:33.6700 [0] distribute_event: message EventAgentNotReady
AttributeExtensions [53] 00 01 00 00..
'AgentSessionID' 'LGGE53UK6P51N70AF1KP2ESCVK00003M'
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000000496
AttributeCustomerID 'Resources'
AttributeTimeinuSecs 670000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1355923353 (14:22:33)
AttributeThisDN '855502'
AttributeAgentWorkMode 4 (AuxWork)
AttributeAgentID '355002'

I expected to have a "ReasonCode" attribute in AttributeExtensions section, but there is nothing.

Could you please tell me how to retrieve the reason code associated to NotReady event ?

Thanks in advance.

Offline Fra

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Re: Reason code for AgentNotReady event
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2012, 02:06:15 PM »
In order to see what the Avaya passes, you need to parse the ASAI message corresponding to the EventNotReady in your TServer log.

However, reason codes can be used only if your agent desktop supports them: in essence, the TAgentNotReady sent to TServer must have both the attribute extension
WorkMode aAgentAuxWork and the ReasonCode. Only if this is met, the switch will respond accordingly and TServer will contain the ReasonCode attribute.


Offline florence_c

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Re: Reason code for AgentNotReady event
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2012, 03:33:34 PM »
Hi Fra,

I've got no problem when sending notready requests : as you can see in the log below, I send my reason code in AttributeExtensions, then I can see it in ASAI message, and finally I see it in AttributeExtensions of the EventAgentNotReady response event:

15:58:50.906 Trc 04541 RequestAgentNotReady received from [528] (0000001b Bandeau_Integration1
message RequestAgentNotReady
AttributeReferenceID 47
AttributeThisDN '855504'
AttributeAgentWorkMode 4 (AuxWork)
AttributeReason [22] 00 01 00 00..
'ReasonCode' 'PAUSE'
AttributeExtensions [21] 00 01 01 00..
'ReasonCode' 18
@15:58:50.9060 [gctmi] Distributing request RequestAgentNotReady
@15:58:50.9060 [asai] AgentLogin [855504,id355004,sRDY] (reqAgentNotReady)
Facility: INVOKE
InvokeId: 3
Operation: FeatureRequest
Feature: ChangeWorkModes
Domain: (ACD_Split),'00'
Domain: (Extension),'855504'
Domain: (PendingWorkMode),1
Domain: (ReasonCode),18
@15:58:50.9060 [>>] 08 00 00 2D 08 02 05 4B 64 96 1C 25 91 A1 22 02 01 03 02 01 8F 40 1A 96 48 01 81 49 03 81 30 B0 49 07 83 38 35 35 35 30 B4 49 02 9C 81 49 02 98 92
@15:58:50.9060 [<<] 08 00 00 0E 08 02 85 4B 5A 96 1C 06 91 A2 03 02 01 03
InvokeId: 3
@15:58:50.9060 [asai] (processRtrnRsltNotReady)
@15:58:50.9060 [gctmi] request RequestAgentNotReady ctiRefId 1355 deactivated in reqMgr
@15:58:50.9060 [gctmi] TMsg [EventAgentNotReady()] distributing to model
@15:58:50.9060 [gctmi] AgentLogin [855504,id355004,sRDY] distributing EventAgentNotReady
@15:58:50.9060 [gctmi] AgentLogin [855504,id355004,sRDY] processNotReady
@15:58:50.9060 [gctm] AgentLogin [855504,id355004,sRDY] Changing state to 3
@15:58:50.9060 [gctmi] request RequestAgentNotReady ctiRefId 1355 removed from reqMgr
@15:58:50.9060 [0 ] distribute_response: message EventAgentNotReady
AttributeExtensions [72] 00 02 01 00..
'ReasonCode' 18
'AgentSessionID' 'LGGE53UK6P51N70AF1KP2ESCVK000674'
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000006ea5
AttributeCustomerID 'Resources'
AttributeTimeinuSecs 906000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1356015530 (15:58:50)
AttributeThisDN '855504'
AttributeAgentWorkMode 4 (AuxWork)
AttributeAgentID '355004'
AttributeReason [22] 00 01 00 00..
'ReasonCode' 'PAUSE'
AttributeReferenceID 47

My problem is when Avaya is itself the requester : use case is when a call rings on a desktop, then agent does not answer, and call is finally DIVERTED. In this case, I believe that Avaya sends a NotReady request with RONA reason code (RONA reason code has been configured to 99 in the PBX : can't attach screenshot because of error "The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator."). I expected to see a ReasonCode=99 in the ASAI message and in AttributeExtensions but don't.

Thanks for your help.

Offline cavagnaro

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Re: Reason code for AgentNotReady event
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2012, 03:51:25 PM »
The call is not diverted on that scenario, but FORWARDED by your PBX to another place. Or maybe you can control the ringing time on the TServer and return it to the queue as happens on Alcatel PBX.
If the PBX sends this is only a message telling you that the agent didn't answer and to preserve quality it put him on NotReady...which is ok (whip that agent)
So what you have to do is control that event, either on PBX, on agent or on Tserver, but no way Avaya will attach further info I think...unless some Avaya expert says you can order it to attach a data...


Offline florence_c

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Re: Reason code for AgentNotReady event
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2012, 04:38:45 PM »
Well, the fact is I do see the EventDiverted in the Tserver logs, but this event is not relayed to my desktop (called Bandeau_Integration1):

11:22:32.618 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventDiverted" generated
11:22:32.618 Trc 04542 EventDiverted sent to [508] (00000005 icon_voice
11:22:32.618 Trc 04542 EventDiverted sent to [520] (00000008 ccp_statserver
11:22:32.618 Trc 04542 EventDiverted sent to [516] (00000007 bandeau_statserver
11:22:32.618 Trc 04542 EventDiverted sent to [492] (00000002 urs

When TServer receives EventDiverted, then it sends an EventReleased to my desktop. So unless there are some special attributes in EventReleased that could indicate RONA/DIVERTED/etc, I currently have no criteria to decide that this case is a RONA case and this other case is not...  :'(
Or perharps there is some configuration I can set for my TServer to send the EventDiverted to my desktop  ???

Offline cavagnaro

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Re: Reason code for AgentNotReady event
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2012, 06:16:55 PM »
Diverted only happens on RP, Mediation DN, not on extensions...without the full logs it is hard to see what you are saying...
EventDiverted will never go to your Desktop agent as it is the EventRinging on your agent DN

Offline Fra

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Re: Reason code for AgentNotReady event
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2012, 09:38:04 AM »
[quote author=florence_c link=topic=7568.msg32567#msg32567 date=1356017614]
Hi Fra,

I've got no problem when sending notready requests : as you can see in the log below, I send my reason code in AttributeExtensions, then I can see it in ASAI message, and finally I see it in AttributeExtensions of the EventAgentNotReady response event:

15:58:50.906 Trc 04541 RequestAgentNotReady received from [528] (0000001b Bandeau_Integration1
message RequestAgentNotReady
AttributeReferenceID 47
AttributeThisDN '855504'
AttributeAgentWorkMode 4 (AuxWork)
AttributeReason [22] 00 01 00 00..
'ReasonCode' 'PAUSE'
AttributeExtensions [21] 00 01 01 00..
'ReasonCode' 18
@15:58:50.9060 [gctmi] Distributing request RequestAgentNotReady
@15:58:50.9060 [asai] AgentLogin [855504,id355004,sRDY] (reqAgentNotReady)
Facility: INVOKE
InvokeId: 3
Operation: FeatureRequest
Feature: ChangeWorkModes
Domain: (ACD_Split),'00'
Domain: (Extension),'855504'
Domain: (PendingWorkMode),1
Domain: (ReasonCode),18
@15:58:50.9060 [>>] 08 00 00 2D 08 02 05 4B 64 96 1C 25 91 A1 22 02 01 03 02 01 8F 40 1A 96 48 01 81 49 03 81 30 B0 49 07 83 38 35 35 35 30 B4 49 02 9C 81 49 02 98 92
@15:58:50.9060 [<<] 08 00 00 0E 08 02 85 4B 5A 96 1C 06 91 A2 03 02 01 03
InvokeId: 3
@15:58:50.9060 [asai] (processRtrnRsltNotReady)
@15:58:50.9060 [gctmi] request RequestAgentNotReady ctiRefId 1355 deactivated in reqMgr
@15:58:50.9060 [gctmi] TMsg [EventAgentNotReady()] distributing to model
@15:58:50.9060 [gctmi] AgentLogin [855504,id355004,sRDY] distributing EventAgentNotReady
@15:58:50.9060 [gctmi] AgentLogin [855504,id355004,sRDY] processNotReady
@15:58:50.9060 [gctm] AgentLogin [855504,id355004,sRDY] Changing state to 3
@15:58:50.9060 [gctmi] request RequestAgentNotReady ctiRefId 1355 removed from reqMgr
@15:58:50.9060 [0 ] distribute_response: message EventAgentNotReady
AttributeExtensions [72] 00 02 01 00..
'ReasonCode' 18
'AgentSessionID' 'LGGE53UK6P51N70AF1KP2ESCVK000674'
AttributeEventSequenceNumber 0000000000006ea5
AttributeCustomerID 'Resources'
AttributeTimeinuSecs 906000
AttributeTimeinSecs 1356015530 (15:58:50)
AttributeThisDN '855504'
AttributeAgentWorkMode 4 (AuxWork)
AttributeAgentID '355004'
AttributeReason [22] 00 01 00 00..
'ReasonCode' 'PAUSE'
AttributeReferenceID 47
Yes, this works fine.

[quote author=florence_c link=topic=7568.msg32567#msg32567 date=1356017614]
My problem is when Avaya is itself the requester : use case is when a call rings on a desktop, then agent does not answer, and call is finally DIVERTED. In this case, I believe that Avaya sends a NotReady request with RONA reason code (RONA reason code has been configured to 99 in the PBX : can't attach screenshot because of error "The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator."). I expected to see a ReasonCode=99 in the ASAI message and in AttributeExtensions but don't.
We would need to check the ASAI message and then TServer EventAgentNotReady to analyse this further.

[quote author=florence_c link=topic=7568.msg32572#msg32572 date=1356021525]
Well, the fact is I do see the EventDiverted in the Tserver logs, but this event is not relayed to my desktop (called Bandeau_Integration1):

11:22:32.618 Int 04544 Interaction message "EventDiverted" generated
11:22:32.618 Trc 04542 EventDiverted sent to [508] (00000005 icon_voice
11:22:32.618 Trc 04542 EventDiverted sent to [520] (00000008 ccp_statserver
11:22:32.618 Trc 04542 EventDiverted sent to [516] (00000007 bandeau_statserver
11:22:32.618 Trc 04542 EventDiverted sent to [492] (00000002 urs

When TServer receives EventDiverted, then it sends an EventReleased to my desktop. So unless there are some special attributes in EventReleased that could indicate RONA/DIVERTED/etc, I currently have no criteria to decide that this case is a RONA case and this other case is not...  :'(
Or perharps there is some configuration I can set for my TServer to send the EventDiverted to my desktop  ???

You've posted the snippet that covers the message dispatching to the clients that registered the DN the event has been generated on; however,
what is missing is the Event itself. As Cav has pointed out, it's very likely the event to have a queue / RP as ThisDN, which your desktop doesn't register, hence the reason why you don't have visibility of it.
I would not be concerned about this last bit, the key thing here is verify whether the Avaya populates the ReasonCode attribute properly on RONA.


Offline florence_c

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Re: Reason code for AgentNotReady event
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2012, 11:03:14 AM »
Hi Everybody,

I finally found a doc with the solution !  ;D

Actually, aux mode synchronisation between switch and TServer is NOT automatically done. In order for the TServer to know the current aux mode / reason code, it has to query the info to switch. Corresponding options must be configured to the right values to perform such operations.

query-agent-work-mode :
on-restart (default value) = T-Server requests the agent state every time connection to the link is reestablished. T-Server generates EventAgentReady/EventAgentNotReady if it finds that the work mode changed after the last event was sent.
on-release=T-Server requests the agent state every time a call is released on the agent’s phone. T-Server generates EventAgentReady/EventAgentNotReady if it finds that the work mode changed after the last event was sent. This configuration option includes queries on the on-restart value.
on-timer=T-Server queries agent states for all properly configured agents who are logged in but who are not on calls. T-Server polls a given agent state at a regular interval (in seconds) while the agent is logged in but not on a call. The default value is 3 seconds.

and other options to adjust and optimize for our own environments.

I tested with this option set to on-timer, and now I can see my ReasonCode=99 (RONA) in AttributeExtensions of TServer EventAgentNotReady event  :)

Thanks for your interest in my problem!

Offline florence_c

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Re: Reason code for AgentNotReady event
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2012, 11:07:44 AM »
Just one last question:
do you know if it is possible to mark a topic as solved ??
Thanks  ;D