Author Topic: Issue with Genesys Facebook and Twitter Interaction GAD  (Read 6706 times)

Offline sinchanaGB

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Issue with Genesys Facebook and Twitter Interaction GAD
« on: August 21, 2012, 01:22:29 PM »
I am Working on Integrating Genesys Facebook and Twitter Interaction with GAD.
I have done all the installation and configuration as per document.
Interaction is coming on GAD but its coming as Chat Interaction and reply as 'Reply as Email'  instead of Facebook and Twitter interaction.
Can anyone please tell what could be missing?
Interaction server logs, Social Messaging logs , URS logs looks fine with no errors as such. In log could see the interaction flow and routing correctly.
Please let me know, which log file you need to analysis.
i'll reply back with log files.


Offline René

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Re: Issue with Genesys Facebook and Twitter Interaction GAD
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2012, 02:23:57 PM »
Hi Sinchana,

Please check what media type has been assigned to interaction. You can find it in URS log.


Offline sinchanaGB

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Re: Issue with Genesys Facebook and Twitter Interaction GAD
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2012, 07:36:18 AM »
Hi Rene,

Please check i have copied the twitter interaction from URS log.

TARGETS: Social Media Agent Group@Stat_Server_800.GA
    _M_I_ [17:0f] VQ 017326e0 [at all 2 0 0] 1 Target(s), flag=8408a, guid: 0Environment||1|m62|1|00||||||01StatAgentsAvailable|00{}{}[]Social Media Agent Group@Stat_Server_800.GA
12:50:10.922_M_I_18340212e25f1078 [13:01] current vq: 0176e920 id=120, nVQ=1-13500c0, priority=0, time=1345617717.0
12:50:10.922_M_I_18340212e25f1078 [13:03] call (vq 0176e920, id=120, priority 0, time 1345617717.0) waits for VQ 017326e0 (name="") now
request to 65202(--) message RequestAttachUserData
AttributeReferenceID 445
AttributeUserData [48] 00 01 00 00..
'RTargetAgentGroup' 'Social Media Agent Group'
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f1078
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
..sent to INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=392)
12:50:10.922_M_I_18340212e25f1078 [17:0e] VQ 017326e0 first ready call is 18340212e25f105c (00111)
    _I_I_18340212e25f1078 [07:0a] HERE IS WAIT (-1 sec)
    _I_I_18340212e25f1078 [07:0a] HERE IS WAIT (100 sec)
12:50:10.922_B_I_18340212e25f1078 [07:0a] delay treatments for 0 msec
12:50:10.922_I_I_18340212e25f1078 [09:04] <<<<<<<<<<<<suspend interp(WAIT), func:Wait timers:11000
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventRouteRequest
AttributeExtensions [49] 00 01 00 00..
'STRATEGY_ID' 'Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
AttributeUserData [3444] 00 69 01 00..
'ServiceObjective' 0
'_twitterQueryName' 'get-mentions'
'_twitterCreatedAt' '2012-08-22T06:43:28Z'
'_twitterMsgType' 'Status'
'_twitterMsgId' '238164465034596353'
'_twitterIsFavorited' 'false'
'_twitterUserId' '773025528'
'_twitterUserCreatedAt' '2012-08-22T06:37:34Z'
'_twitterUserImageURL' ''
'_twitterUserLocation' ''
'_twitterUserUtcOffset' '-1'
'_twitterUserFollowersCount' '0'
'_twitterUserFriendsCount' '1'
'_twitterUserStatusesCount' '2'
'_twitterFromAddr' 'DivyaChoudary22'
'_twitterFromUserId' '773025528'
'_twitterUserIsFollower' 'false'
'_twitterUserIsFriend' 'false'
'_twitterInReplyToUserId' '511858827'
'_twitterToUserId' '511858827'
'_twitterInReplyToScreenName' 'PremierMobile9'
'_twitterToAddr' 'PremierMobile9'
'_twitterRetweetCount' '0'
'_twitterIsRetweet' 'false'
'_umsChannel' 'channel-twitter-a'
'_umsMediaAccount' '511858827'
'_umsChannelInfo'(list) '_twitterUserId' '511858827'
                        '_twitterUserScreenName' 'PremierMobile9'
                        '_twitterUserName' 'Premier Mobile9'
                        '_twitterUserImageURL' ''
'RouterData70' '("t"="1345617808 0")'
'_umsInboundIxnSubmittedBy' 'SocialMessagingServer'
'ContactId' '0000Na838UUP002R'
'ContactCreated' 'false'
'ContactIdList' '0000Na838UUP002R'
'NumberOfContactsFound' '1'
'FirstName' 'divya'
'IxnAlreadyCreatedInUCS' '1'
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '14'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' 'Twitter Agent Queue'
'RTargetObjSelDBID' '195'
'RTargetAgentSelected' ''
'RTargetPlaceSelected' ''
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RStrategyName' 'Twitter Calculation Strategy'
'RStrategyDBID' '247'
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'CustomerSegment' 'default'
'ServiceType' 'default'
'Screen_Actionability_ScreenRuleName' ''
'Screen_Actionability_CtgName' ''
'Screen_Actionability_CtgRelevancy' ''
'Screen_Sentiment_ScreenRuleName' ''
'Screen_Sentiment_CtgName' ''
'Screen_Sentiment_CtgRelevancy' ''
'Classify_Sentiment_CtgId' ''
'Classify_Sentiment_CtgRelevancy' ''
'Classify_Sentiment_CtgName' ''
'Classify_Actionability_CtgId' ''
'Classify_Actionability_CtgRelevancy' ''
'Classify_Actionability_CtgName' ''
'ClassifiedAndScreened' '1'
'KloutScore' '0'
'KloutScoreResultString' 'No keys were found for section: default'
'KloutClassString' ''
'KloutNetworkScore' '0'
'KloutScoreUserShow' '0'
'KloutScoreResultStringUsersShow' 'No keys were found for section: default'
'KloutClassId' '0'
'KloutAmplificationScore' '0'
'KloutTrueReach' '0'
'KloutDelta1Day' '0'
'KloutDelta5Day' '0'
'KloutDelta30Day' '0'
'desktop_influence' '0'
'desktop_sentiment' 'Neutral'
'desktop_actionable' '1'
'desktop_expand' '1'
'PegRejected' 12
'IsHeld' 0
'InteractionId' '01THC42G6HXUV003'
'TenantId' 1
'MediaType' 'twitter'
'InteractionType' 'Inbound'
'InteractionSubtype' 'InboundNew'
'InteractionState' 1
'IsOnline' 0
'IsLocked' 0
'Queue' 'Twitter Agent Queue'
'SubmittedBy' 'SocialMessagingServer'
'ReceivedAt' '2012-08-22T06:45:50Z'
'SubmittedAt' '2012-08-22T06:45:50Z'
'PlacedInQueueAt' '2012-08-22T07:20:08Z'
'MovedToQueueAt' '2012-08-22T06:46:06Z'
'SubmitSeq' '6596459'
'PlaceInQueueSeq' '6718332'
AttributeThisQueue 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
AttributeCallType 0
AttributeCallID 13703
AttributeMediaType 4294967295
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f1079
AttributeCustomerID 'Environment'
12:50:10.922_T_I_0000000000000000 [14:0c] EventRouteRequest is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy)
    _T_I_18340212e25f1079 [01:11] connid 18340212e25f1079 is bound to the call 121-017774a8
12:50:10.922_I_I_18340212e25f1079 [01:01] call (121-017774a8) for Environment created (del 0)
    _T_I_18340212e25f1079 [14:09] add DN InteractionServer asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy <asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy@Multimedia_Switch> (CDN 71 18340212e25f1079 00000000) to the call 121-017774a8 truly:22
    _T_I_18340212e25f1079 [14:08] check delayed proc
    _I_I_18340212e25f1079 [14:33] strategy: *0x1*Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy (4035338731) is attached to the call
12:50:10.922 Int 20001 interaction 18340212e25f1079 is started
    _I_I_18340212e25f1079 [01:14] current call classification: media=twitter(1016), service=default(200), segment=default(300)
12:50:10.922_I_I_18340212e25f1079 [09:06] >>>>>>>>>>>>start interp()
    _I_I_18340212e25f1079 [09:04] ASSIGN: __Return(SCRIPT) <- STRING: ""
    _I_I_18340212e25f1079 [07:46] no error mode for this call
    _I_I_18340212e25f1079 [09:04] ASSIGN: __Return(SCRIPT) <- STRING: ""
    _I_I_18340212e25f1079 [09:04] ASSIGN: __DBReturn(SCRIPT) <- STRING: ""
    _I_I_18340212e25f1079 [09:04] ASSIGN: __DBStrReturn(SCRIPT) <- STRING: ""
    _I_I_18340212e25f1079 [09:04] ASSIGN: __TargetVar(SCRIPT) <- STRING: ""
12:50:10.922_I_I_18340212e25f1079 [07:07] HERE IS TARGETS
TARGETS: Social Media Agent Group@Stat_Server_800.GA
    _M_I_ [17:0f] VQ 017326e0 [at all 2 0 0] 1 Target(s), flag=8408a, guid: 0Environment||1|m62|1|00||||||01StatAgentsAvailable|00{}{}[]Social Media Agent Group@Stat_Server_800.GA
12:50:10.922_M_I_18340212e25f1079 [13:01] current vq: 0176dca8 id=121, nVQ=1-13500c0, priority=0, time=1345617808.0
12:50:10.922_M_I_18340212e25f1079 [13:03] call (vq 0176dca8, id=121, priority 0, time 1345617808.0) waits for VQ 017326e0 (name="") now
request to 65202(--) message RequestAttachUserData
AttributeReferenceID 446
AttributeUserData [48] 00 01 00 00..
'RTargetAgentGroup' 'Social Media Agent Group'
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f1079
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
..sent to INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=392)
12:50:10.922_M_I_18340212e25f1079 [17:0e] VQ 017326e0 first ready call is 18340212e25f105c (00111)
    _I_I_18340212e25f1079 [07:0a] HERE IS WAIT (-1 sec)
    _I_I_18340212e25f1079 [07:0a] HERE IS WAIT (100 sec)
12:50:10.922_B_I_18340212e25f1079 [07:0a] delay treatments for 0 msec
12:50:10.922_I_I_18340212e25f1079 [09:04] <<<<<<<<<<<<suspend interp(WAIT), func:Wait timers:11000
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=430)
12:50:10.922_T_I_18340212e25f1069 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=430)
12:50:10.922_B_I_18340212e25f1078 [07:64] start chain of treatments
12:50:10.922_B_I_18340212e25f1079 [07:64] start chain of treatments
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=431)
12:50:10.937_T_I_18340212e25f106a [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=431)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=432)
12:50:10.937_T_I_18340212e25f106b [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=432)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=433)
12:50:10.937_T_I_18340212e25f106c [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=433)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=434)
12:50:10.937_T_I_18340212e25f106d [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=434)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=435)
12:50:10.937_T_I_18340212e25f106e [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=435)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=436)
12:50:10.953_T_I_18340212e25f106f [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=436)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=437)
12:50:10.953_T_I_18340212e25f1070 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=437)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=438)
12:50:10.953_T_I_18340212e25f1071 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=438)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=439)
12:50:10.953_T_I_18340212e25f1072 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=439)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=440)
12:50:10.953_T_I_18340212e25f1073 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=440)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=441)
12:50:10.953_T_I_18340212e25f1074 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=441)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=442)
12:50:10.953_T_I_18340212e25f1075 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=442)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=443)
12:50:10.969_T_I_18340212e25f1076 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=443)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=444)
12:50:10.969_T_I_18340212e25f1077 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=444)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=445)
12:50:10.969_T_I_18340212e25f1078 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=445)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=446)
12:50:10.969_T_I_18340212e25f1079 [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=446)
12:50:12.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=14+17-0, targets=0, time=1345620012, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:12.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:14.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620014, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:14.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:16.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620016, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:16.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:18.000_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620018, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:18.000_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:20.000_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620020, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:20.000_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:22.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620022, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:22.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:24.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620024, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:24.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:26.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620026, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:26.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:28.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620028, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:28.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:30.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620030, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:30.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:32.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620032, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:32.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:34.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620034, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:34.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:36.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620036, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:36.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:38.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620038, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:38.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:39.640_G_I_ [01:0b] look for hanged interactions: 31 at all now (1 cpu usage)
12:50:39.640_G_I_ [01:0b] there are 31 calls in progress now
_G_I_ Version:
root 00b5bcc0
12:50:40.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620040, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:40.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:41.812 Trc 20011 current number of targets for tenant Environment: Agents 3, Places 0, AgentGroups 1, PlaceGroups 0, ACDQueues 0, Routing Points 0
12:50:41.812 Trc 20012 current number of interactions per second - 6.00
12:50:41.812 Trc 20013 current number of entries: for longest queue 0, for all queues 0
12:50:42.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620042, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:42.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:44.000_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620044, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:44.000_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:46.031_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620046, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:46.031_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:48.015_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620048, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:48.015_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:50.016_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620050, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:50.016_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:52.016_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620052, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:52.016_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:54.000_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620054, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:54.000_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:56.000_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620056, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:56.000_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:58.000_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620058, mem=0,14721,123,109,210,0)
12:50:58.000_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:50:58.703_M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: CHANGE OF STATE (NotMonitored->NotMonitored)
    _M_I_ [10:16] licensing seat Place_02|Environment| has 1 links: + object <Agent02>, type <Agent> (used seats=1, total=2000)
    _M_I_ [10:37] stat ATT for MEDIA voice (type=0), time=(1345620058 S=1345620058 R=1345620058): busy 0=0+0
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: voice media status: 0 1 0
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready DN 1002 @ Multimedia_Switch (type 1 NotMonitored time=1345619676) for ag Agent02, pl Place_02, NotMonitored time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: 0(1) ready DNs reported, dT=0
12:50:58.750_M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: CHANGE OF STATE (NotMonitored->NotMonitored)
    _M_I_ [10:37] stat ATT for MEDIA email (type=2), time=(1345620058 S=1345620058 R=1345620058): busy 0=0+0
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready MEDIA email[2] (type=35 time=1345620058) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: voice media status: 0 1 0
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready DN 1002 @ Multimedia_Switch (type 1 NotMonitored time=1345619676) for ag Agent02, pl Place_02, WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: 0(2) ready DNs reported, dT=0
12:50:58.766_M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: CHANGE OF STATE (NotMonitored->NotMonitored)
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready MEDIA email[2] (type=35 time=1345620058) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:37] stat ATT for MEDIA facebook (type=28), time=(1345620058 S=1345620058 R=1345620058): busy 0=0+0
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready MEDIA facebook[28] (type=61 time=1345620058) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: voice media status: 0 1 0
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready DN 1002 @ Multimedia_Switch (type 1 NotMonitored time=1345619676) for ag Agent02, pl Place_02, WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: 0(3) ready DNs reported, dT=0
12:50:58.782_M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: CHANGE OF STATE (NotMonitored->NotMonitored)
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready MEDIA email[2] (type=35 time=1345620058) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready MEDIA facebook[28] (type=61 time=1345620058) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: voice media status: 0 1 0
    _M_I_ [10:37] stat ATT for MEDIA twitter (type=29), time=(1345620058 S=1345620058 R=1345620058): busy 0=0+0
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready MEDIA twitter[29] (type=62 time=1345620058) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready DN 1002 @ Multimedia_Switch (type 1 NotMonitored time=1345619676) for ag Agent02, pl Place_02, WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: 0(4) ready DNs reported, dT=0
12:50:58.782_M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: CHANGE OF STATE (NotMonitored->NotMonitored)
    _M_I_ [10:37] stat ATT for MEDIA chat (type=5), time=(1345620058 S=1345620058 R=1345620058): busy 0=0+0
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready MEDIA chat[5] (type=38 time=1345620058) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready MEDIA email[2] (type=35 time=1345620058) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready MEDIA facebook[28] (type=61 time=1345620058) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: voice media status: 0 1 0
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready MEDIA twitter[29] (type=62 time=1345620058) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready DN 1002 @ Multimedia_Switch (type 1 NotMonitored time=1345619676) for ag Agent02, pl Place_02, WaitForNextCall time=1345620058
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: 0(5) ready DNs reported, dT=0
12:51:00.000_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620060, mem=0,14723,123,109,210,0)
12:51:00.000_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:51:02.000_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620062, mem=0,14723,123,109,210,0)
12:51:02.000_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:51:04.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620064, mem=0,14723,123,109,210,0)
12:51:04.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:51:06.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620066, mem=0,14723,123,109,210,0)
12:51:06.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:51:08.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620068, mem=0,14723,123,109,210,0)
12:51:08.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:51:10.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 31(31)=31+0-0, targets=0, time=1345620070, mem=0,14723,123,109,210,0)
12:51:10.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
12:51:11.657_M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: CHANGE OF STATE (NotMonitored->NotMonitored)
    _M_I_ [10:37] stat ATT for MEDIA chat (type=5), time=(1345620071 S=0 R=1345620071): free 13=0+13
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA chat[5] (type=38 time=1345620071) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620071
    _M_I_ [10:37] stat ATT for MEDIA email (type=2), time=(1345620071 S=0 R=1345620071): free 13=0+13
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA email[2] (type=35 time=1345620071) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620071
    _M_I_ [10:37] stat ATT for MEDIA facebook (type=28), time=(1345620071 S=0 R=1345620071): free 13=0+13
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA facebook[28] (type=61 time=1345620071) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620071
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: voice media status: 0 1 0
    _M_I_ [10:37] stat ATT for MEDIA twitter (type=29), time=(1345620071 S=0 R=1345620071): free 13=0+13
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA twitter[29] (type=62 time=1345620071) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620071
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready DN 1002 @ Multimedia_Switch (type 1 NotMonitored time=1345619676) for ag Agent02, pl Place_02, WaitForNextCall time=1345620071
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: 4(5) ready DNs reported, dT=0
12:51:11.657_M_I_ [10:15] check queue for SO <Agent02> type <Agent>
WAITING CALLS: 18340212e25f105c 18340212e25f105d 18340212e25f105e 18340212e25f105f 18340212e25f1060 18340212e25f1061 18340212e25f1062 18340212e25f1063 18340212e25f1064 18340212e25f1065 18340212e25f1066 18340212e25f1067 18340212e25f1068 18340212e25f1069 18340212e25f106a 18340212e25f106b 18340212e25f106c 18340212e25f106d 18340212e25f106e 18340212e25f106f 18340212e25f1070 18340212e25f1071 18340212e25f1072 18340212e25f1073 18340212e25f1074 18340212e25f1075 18340212e25f1076 18340212e25f1001 18340212e25f1077 18340212e25f1078 18340212e25f1079
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
12:51:11.673_M_I_ [10:0a] object Place_02|Environment| is unblocked
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02, sw  dn  isn't blocked absolutely(0)
    _M_I_18340212e25f105c [10:21] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _T_I_18340212e25f105c [0E:19] check call routing states: s=4 d=0 t=0 h=(0 0) r=0 i=0 - true
    _M_I_18340212e25f105c [10:21] tenant Environment Agent Agent02: dn Agent02 (m 38) is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_18340212e25f105c [10:21] tenant Environment Agent Agent02: dn Agent02 (m 35) is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_18340212e25f105c [10:21] tenant Environment Agent Agent02: dn Agent02 (m 61) is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_18340212e25f105c [10:3c] COST for Social Media Agent Group@Stat_Server_800.GA (pO=0140c940, TRG ""(00000000)) asked: from  to , contract
    _M_I_18340212e25f105c [10:3c] cost from  to , contract [table (,:0)] returns 0+0
    _M_I_18340212e25f105c [01:0d] attempt to route (1)
    _T_I_18340212e25f105c [0E:19] check call routing states: s=4 d=0 t=0 h=(0 0) r=0 i=0 - true
======== DN Information =======
Number Agent02
Access Agent02
Agent Agent02
Place Place_02
Type 62
============== Target Information =================
Name    < Social Media Agent Group >
Location < Stat_Server_800 >
Type    < GA >
STATE MAPPING -  < ##state >:
Stat Value: DN info OK
Modelling  : NA

    _I_I_18340212e25f105c [01:0f] binding with TRG 01725d70 (VQ 017326e0)
12:51:11.673_M_I_18340212e25f105c [10:2f] RStatCallsInQueue update: object <Agent02>(102), type CfgPerson value 1+0+0, reason <target selection>
12:51:11.673_M_I_18340212e25f105c [10:2f] RStatCallsInQueue update: object <Place_02>(103), type CfgPlace value 1+0+0, reason <target selection>
    _I_I_18340212e25f105c [0E:10] HERE IS ROUTE_CALL: VQ=, target=Social Media Agent Group
    _I_I_18340212e25f105c [01:10] binding with TRG 01725d70 (VQ 017326e0)
request to 65202(--) message RequestUpdateUserData
AttributeReferenceID 447
AttributeUserData [474] 00 11 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '2'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' 'Social Media Agent Group'
'RTargetObjSelDBID' '106'
'RTargetAgentSelected' 'Agent02'
'RTargetPlaceSelected' 'Place_02'
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RStrategyName' 'Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
'RStrategyDBID' '248'
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'RTargetRequested' 'Social Media Agent Group'
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f105c
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
..sent to INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=392)
12:51:11.673_M_I_18340212e25f105c [17:11] VQ 017326e0 first available call: 18340212e25f105d, reason=strategy
    _I_I_18340212e25f105c [0E:03] NO TRANSLATION for this call
request to 65202(--) message RequestUpdateUserData
AttributeReferenceID 448
AttributeUserData [40] 00 01 01 00..
'PegAGSocial Media Agent Group' 1
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f105c
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
..sent to INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=392)
12:51:11.688_T_I_18340212e25f105c [14:19] send to ts InteractionServer RequestRouteCall to dn Agent02 on  (dnis= )
request to 65202(--) message RequestRouteCall
AttributeReferenceID 449
AttributeReason [14] 00 01 01 00..
'RTR' 126
AttributeRouteType 6 (RouteTypeDirect)
AttributeExtensions [289] 00 0b 01 00..
'CUSTOMER_ID' 'Environment'
'AGENT' 'Agent02'
'PLACE' 'Place_02'
'DN' 'Agent02'
'ACCESS' 'Agent02'
'SWITCH' 'Multimedia_Switch'
'NVQ' 1
'TARGET' 'Social Media Agent Group@Stat_Server_800.GA'
'IN_TARGETS'(list) '__STOP__' ''
'OUT_TARGETS'(list) 'Twitter Outbound Queue' ''
AttributeOtherDN 'Agent02'
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f105c
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
..sent to INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=392)
    _A_I_18340212e25f105c [0E:04] ----------->DEPARTURE(processing time 62938)
12:51:11.688_M_I_0000000000000000 [10:1b] blocking: ag Agent02, pl Place_02, sw  dn Agent02 is blocked for 15 sec by 1000000001, expire 1345620086
12:51:11.688_M_I_18340212e25f105c [10:3a] update volume contracts tables: target Agent02, group Social Media Agent Group, tenant Environment
    _M_I_18340212e25f105c [10:21] LAUNCHED (dn=Agent02)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=447)
12:51:11.688_T_I_18340212e25f105c [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=447)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=448)
12:51:11.688_T_I_18340212e25f105c [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=448)
12:51:11.751_M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: CHANGE OF STATE (NotMonitored->NotMonitored)
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA chat[5] (type=38 time=1345620071) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620071
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA email[2] (type=35 time=1345620071) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620071
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA facebook[28] (type=61 time=1345620071) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620071
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: voice media status: 0 1 0
    _M_I_ [10:37] stat ATT for MEDIA twitter (type=29), time=(1345620071 S=1345620071 R=1345620071): busy 13=0+0
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready MEDIA twitter[29] (type=62 time=1345620071) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620071
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready DN 1002 @ Multimedia_Switch (type 1 NotMonitored time=1345619676) for ag Agent02, pl Place_02, WaitForNextCall time=1345620071
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: 3(5) ready DNs reported, dT=0
12:51:11.751_M_I_ [10:15] check queue for SO <Agent02> type <Agent>
WAITING CALLS: 18340212e25f105c 18340212e25f105d 18340212e25f105e 18340212e25f105f 18340212e25f1060 18340212e25f1061 18340212e25f1062 18340212e25f1063 18340212e25f1064 18340212e25f1065 18340212e25f1066 18340212e25f1067 18340212e25f1068 18340212e25f1069 18340212e25f106a 18340212e25f106b 18340212e25f106c 18340212e25f106d 18340212e25f106e 18340212e25f106f 18340212e25f1070 18340212e25f1071 18340212e25f1072 18340212e25f1073 18340212e25f1074 18340212e25f1075 18340212e25f1076 18340212e25f1001 18340212e25f1077 18340212e25f1078 18340212e25f1079
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:20] VQ 017326e0 is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventRouteUsed
AttributeThisQueue 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
AttributeCallType 0
AttributeCallID 13674
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f105c
AttributeCustomerID 'Environment'
AttributeReferenceID 449
12:51:11.751_T_I_18340212e25f105c [14:0c] EventRouteUsed(normal) is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy)
    _T_I_18340212e25f105c [14:0a] del DN (InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy 00000000) controlled=1 calluuid=1 cleanup=0(
    _T_I_18340212e25f105c [14:0a] there is no DNs for call, delivering in progress(0)
    _I_I_18340212e25f105c [01:0f] binding with TRG 00000000 (VQ 00000000)
    _I_I_18340212e25f105c [01:10] binding with TRG 00000000 (VQ 00000000)
12:51:11.751_M_I_18340212e25f105c [13:03] call (vq 0178eb50, id=92, priority 0) doesn't wait for VQ 017326e0 (name="" stats=63001 6817 10) now
request to 65202(--) message RequestDeletePair
AttributeReferenceID 450
AttributeDataKey 'RTargetAgentGroup'
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f105c
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
..sent to INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=392)
12:51:11.751 Int 20002 interaction 18340212e25f105c is routed to Social Media Agent Group@Stat_Server_800.GA
12:51:11.751_A_I_18340212e25f105c [14:0d] <-----------DEPARTURE
    _T_I_18340212e25f105c [0E:0d] routing done
Time to receive acknowledgement of call sending(msec) < 63001 >
12:51:11.751_I_I_18340212e25f105c [09:05] >>>>>>>>>>>>resume interp(0), func:Wait
    _I_I_18340212e25f105c [09:04] OP_XCALL_NO_RESULT: func Exit returns INTERP_STOP(0), go to stop handling
    _I_I_18340212e25f105c [01:0a] <<<<<<<<<<<<stop interp
12:51:11.751_M_I_18340212e25f105c [10:2f] RStatCallsInQueue update: object <Agent02>(102), type CfgPerson value 0+0+0, reason <no call>
12:51:11.751_M_I_18340212e25f105c [10:2f] RStatCallsInQueue update: object <Place_02>(103), type CfgPlace value 0+0+0, reason <no call>
12:51:11.751_I_I_18340212e25f105c [01:08] call (92-01762588) deleting truly
12:51:12.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 30(30)=31+0-1, targets=1, time=1345620072, mem=0,14718,123,105,208,0)
12:51:12.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:20] VQ 017326e0 is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:14.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 30(30)=30+0-0, targets=1, time=1345620074, mem=0,14718,123,105,208,0)
12:51:14.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:20] VQ 017326e0 is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:16.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 30(30)=30+0-0, targets=1, time=1345620076, mem=0,14718,123,105,208,0)
12:51:16.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:20] VQ 017326e0 is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:18.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 30(30)=30+0-0, targets=1, time=1345620078, mem=0,14718,123,105,208,0)
12:51:18.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:20] VQ 017326e0 is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:19.908_M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: CHANGE OF STATE (NotMonitored->NotMonitored)
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA chat[5] (type=38 time=1345620079) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620079
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA email[2] (type=35 time=1345620079) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620079
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA facebook[28] (type=61 time=1345620079) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620079
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: voice media status: 0 1 0
    _M_I_ [10:37] stat ATT for MEDIA twitter (type=29), time=(1345620079 S=0 R=1345620079): free 10=13+8
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA twitter[29] (type=62 time=1345620079) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620079
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready DN 1002 @ Multimedia_Switch (type 1 NotMonitored time=1345619676) for ag Agent02, pl Place_02, WaitForNextCall time=1345620079
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: 4(5) ready DNs reported, dT=0
12:51:19.908_M_I_ [10:15] check queue for SO <Agent02> type <Agent>
WAITING CALLS: 18340212e25f105d 18340212e25f105e 18340212e25f105f 18340212e25f1060 18340212e25f1061 18340212e25f1062 18340212e25f1063 18340212e25f1064 18340212e25f1065 18340212e25f1066 18340212e25f1067 18340212e25f1068 18340212e25f1069 18340212e25f106a 18340212e25f106b 18340212e25f106c 18340212e25f106d 18340212e25f106e 18340212e25f106f 18340212e25f1070 18340212e25f1071 18340212e25f1072 18340212e25f1073 18340212e25f1074 18340212e25f1075 18340212e25f1076 18340212e25f1001 18340212e25f1077 18340212e25f1078 18340212e25f1079
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:20.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 30(30)=30+0-0, targets=1, time=1345620080, mem=0,14718,123,105,208,0)
12:51:20.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:22.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 30(30)=30+0-0, targets=1, time=1345620082, mem=0,14718,123,105,208,0)
12:51:22.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:24.001_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 30(30)=30+0-0, targets=1, time=1345620084, mem=0,14718,123,105,208,0)
12:51:24.001_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:26.002_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 30(30)=30+0-0, targets=1, time=1345620086, mem=0,14718,123,105,208,0)
12:51:26.002_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:28.095_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 30(30)=30+0-0, targets=1, time=1345620088, mem=0,14718,123,105,208,0)
12:51:28.095_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
12:51:28.095_M_I_ [10:0a] object Place_02|Environment| is unblocked
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02, sw  dn  isn't blocked absolutely(0)
    _M_I_18340212e25f105d [10:21] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 4 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _T_I_18340212e25f105d [0E:19] check call routing states: s=4 d=0 t=0 h=(0 0) r=0 i=0 - true
12:51:28.095_M_I_ [10:0a] object Agent02|Environment| is unblocked
    _M_I_18340212e25f105d [10:21] tenant Environment Agent Agent02: dn Agent02 (m 38) is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_18340212e25f105d [10:21] tenant Environment Agent Agent02: dn Agent02 (m 35) is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_18340212e25f105d [10:21] tenant Environment Agent Agent02: dn Agent02 (m 61) is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
12:51:28.095_M_I_ [10:0a] object Agent02|| is unblocked
    _M_I_18340212e25f105d [10:3c] COST for Social Media Agent Group@Stat_Server_800.GA (pO=0140c940, TRG ""(00000000)) asked: from  to , contract
    _M_I_18340212e25f105d [10:3c] cost from  to , contract [table (,:0)] returns 0+0
    _M_I_18340212e25f105d [01:0d] attempt to route (1)
    _T_I_18340212e25f105d [0E:19] check call routing states: s=4 d=0 t=0 h=(0 0) r=0 i=0 - true
======== DN Information =======
Number Agent02
Access Agent02
Agent Agent02
Place Place_02
Type 62
============== Target Information =================
Name    < Social Media Agent Group >
Location < Stat_Server_800 >
Type    < GA >
STATE MAPPING -  < ##state >:
Stat Value: DN info OK
Modelling  : NA

    _I_I_18340212e25f105d [01:0f] binding with TRG 01725d70 (VQ 017326e0)
12:51:28.095_M_I_18340212e25f105d [10:2f] RStatCallsInQueue update: object <Agent02>(102), type CfgPerson value 1+0+0, reason <target selection>
12:51:28.095_M_I_18340212e25f105d [10:2f] RStatCallsInQueue update: object <Place_02>(103), type CfgPlace value 1+0+0, reason <target selection>
    _I_I_18340212e25f105d [0E:10] HERE IS ROUTE_CALL: VQ=, target=Social Media Agent Group
    _I_I_18340212e25f105d [01:10] binding with TRG 01725d70 (VQ 017326e0)
request to 65202(--) message RequestUpdateUserData
AttributeReferenceID 451
AttributeUserData [474] 00 11 00 00..
'RVQID' ''
'RTargetTypeSelected' '2'
'RTargetRuleSelected' ''
'RTargetObjectSelected' 'Social Media Agent Group'
'RTargetObjSelDBID' '106'
'RTargetAgentSelected' 'Agent02'
'RTargetPlaceSelected' 'Place_02'
'RTenant' 'Environment'
'RStrategyName' 'Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
'RStrategyDBID' '248'
'CBR-actual_volume' ''
'CBR-Interaction_cost' ''
'CBR-contract_DBIDs' ''
'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs' ''
'RRequestedSkillCombination' ''
'RTargetRequested' 'Social Media Agent Group'
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f105d
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
..sent to INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=392)
12:51:28.095_M_I_18340212e25f105d [17:11] VQ 017326e0 first available call: 18340212e25f105e, reason=strategy
    _I_I_18340212e25f105d [0E:03] NO TRANSLATION for this call
request to 65202(--) message RequestUpdateUserData
AttributeReferenceID 452
AttributeUserData [40] 00 01 01 00..
'PegAGSocial Media Agent Group' 1
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f105d
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
..sent to INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=392)
12:51:28.095_T_I_18340212e25f105d [14:19] send to ts InteractionServer RequestRouteCall to dn Agent02 on  (dnis= )
request to 65202(--) message RequestRouteCall
AttributeReferenceID 453
AttributeReason [14] 00 01 01 00..
'RTR' 126
AttributeRouteType 6 (RouteTypeDirect)
AttributeExtensions [289] 00 0b 01 00..
'CUSTOMER_ID' 'Environment'
'AGENT' 'Agent02'
'PLACE' 'Place_02'
'DN' 'Agent02'
'ACCESS' 'Agent02'
'SWITCH' 'Multimedia_Switch'
'NVQ' 1
'TARGET' 'Social Media Agent Group@Stat_Server_800.GA'
'IN_TARGETS'(list) '__STOP__' ''
'OUT_TARGETS'(list) 'Twitter Outbound Queue' ''
AttributeOtherDN 'Agent02'
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f105d
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
..sent to INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=392)
    _A_I_18340212e25f105d [0E:04] ----------->DEPARTURE(processing time 79345)
12:51:28.095_M_I_0000000000000000 [10:1b] blocking: ag Agent02, pl Place_02, sw  dn Agent02 is blocked for 15 sec by 1000000001, expire 1345620103
12:51:28.095_M_I_18340212e25f105d [10:3a] update volume contracts tables: target Agent02, group Social Media Agent Group, tenant Environment
    _M_I_18340212e25f105d [10:21] LAUNCHED (dn=Agent02)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=451)
12:51:28.095_T_I_18340212e25f105d [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=451)
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventAttachedDataChanged(refid=452)
12:51:28.095_T_I_18340212e25f105d [14:32] EventAttachedDataChanged is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy, refid=452)
12:51:28.127_M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: CHANGE OF STATE (NotMonitored->NotMonitored)
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA chat[5] (type=38 time=1345620088) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620088
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA email[2] (type=35 time=1345620088) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620088
    _M_I_ [10:17] +ready MEDIA facebook[28] (type=61 time=1345620088) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620088
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: voice media status: 0 1 0
    _M_I_ [10:37] stat ATT for MEDIA twitter (type=29), time=(1345620088 S=1345620088 R=1345620088): busy 10=0+0
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready MEDIA twitter[29] (type=62 time=1345620088) for ag Agent02(102), pl Place_02(103), WaitForNextCall time=1345620088
    _M_I_ [10:17] -ready DN 1002 @ Multimedia_Switch (type 1 NotMonitored time=1345619676) for ag Agent02, pl Place_02, WaitForNextCall time=1345620088
    _M_I_ [10:17] SO(017262c8 6 2) ten=Environment name=Agent02@Stat_Server_800.A: 3(5) ready DNs reported, dT=0
12:51:28.127_M_I_ [10:15] check queue for SO <Agent02> type <Agent>
WAITING CALLS: 18340212e25f105d 18340212e25f105e 18340212e25f105f 18340212e25f1060 18340212e25f1061 18340212e25f1062 18340212e25f1063 18340212e25f1064 18340212e25f1065 18340212e25f1066 18340212e25f1067 18340212e25f1068 18340212e25f1069 18340212e25f106a 18340212e25f106b 18340212e25f106c 18340212e25f106d 18340212e25f106e 18340212e25f106f 18340212e25f1070 18340212e25f1071 18340212e25f1072 18340212e25f1073 18340212e25f1074 18340212e25f1075 18340212e25f1076 18340212e25f1001 18340212e25f1077 18340212e25f1078 18340212e25f1079
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:20] VQ 017326e0 is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
received from 65202(InteractionServer)INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=) message EventRouteUsed
AttributeThisQueue 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
AttributeCallType 0
AttributeCallID 13675
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f105d
AttributeCustomerID 'Environment'
AttributeReferenceID 453
12:51:28.127_T_I_18340212e25f105d [14:0c] EventRouteUsed(normal) is received for ts InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] (this dn=asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy)
    _T_I_18340212e25f105d [14:0a] del DN (InteractionServer[Multimedia_Switch] asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy 00000000) controlled=1 calluuid=1 cleanup=0(
    _T_I_18340212e25f105d [14:0a] there is no DNs for call, delivering in progress(0)
    _I_I_18340212e25f105d [01:0f] binding with TRG 00000000 (VQ 00000000)
    _I_I_18340212e25f105d [01:10] binding with TRG 00000000 (VQ 00000000)
12:51:28.127_M_I_18340212e25f105d [13:03] call (vq 0176e988, id=93, priority 0) doesn't wait for VQ 017326e0 (name="" stats=16376 7772 10) now
request to 65202(--) message RequestDeletePair
AttributeReferenceID 454
AttributeDataKey 'RTargetAgentGroup'
AttributeConnID 18340212e25f105d
AttributeThisDN 'asl_Twitter Agent Delivery Strategy'
..sent to INPUSCPC03878:7007(fd=392)
12:51:28.127 Int 20002 interaction 18340212e25f105d is routed to Social Media Agent Group@Stat_Server_800.GA
12:51:28.127_A_I_18340212e25f105d [14:0d] <-----------DEPARTURE
    _T_I_18340212e25f105d [0E:0d] routing done
Time to receive acknowledgement of call sending(msec) < 79377 >
12:51:28.127_I_I_18340212e25f105d [09:05] >>>>>>>>>>>>resume interp(0), func:Wait
    _I_I_18340212e25f105d [09:04] OP_XCALL_NO_RESULT: func Exit returns INTERP_STOP(0), go to stop handling
    _I_I_18340212e25f105d [01:0a] <<<<<<<<<<<<stop interp
12:51:28.127_M_I_18340212e25f105d [10:2f] RStatCallsInQueue update: object <Agent02>(102), type CfgPerson value 0+0+0, reason <no call>
12:51:28.127_M_I_18340212e25f105d [10:2f] RStatCallsInQueue update: object <Place_02>(103), type CfgPlace value 0+0+0, reason <no call>
12:51:28.127_I_I_18340212e25f105d [01:08] call (93-01782a60) deleting truly
12:51:30.002_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 29(29)=30+0-1, targets=1, time=1345620090, mem=0,14709,123,101,206,0)
12:51:30.002_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:20] VQ 017326e0 is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:32.002_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 29(29)=29+0-0, targets=1, time=1345620092, mem=0,14709,123,101,206,0)
12:51:32.002_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:20] VQ 017326e0 is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:34.002_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 29(29)=29+0-0, targets=1, time=1345620094, mem=0,14709,123,101,206,0)
12:51:34.002_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:20] VQ 017326e0 is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:36.002_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 29(29)=29+0-0, targets=1, time=1345620096, mem=0,14709,123,101,206,0)
12:51:36.002_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0
    _M_I_ [10:20] VQ 017326e0 is ignored: other dn type(cfg)
    _M_I_ [10:0b] ag Agent02, pl Place_02 is blocked absolutely
12:51:38.002_M_I_ [10:1d] PULSE (calls: 29(29)=29+0-0, targets=1, time=1345620098, mem=0,14709,123,101,206,0)
12:51:38.002_M_I_ [10:1d] vqs allocation pattern: static=(13 256 128) dynamic=(121 2/1024)
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 013311e0 VQ 01338ba8
    _M_I_0000000000000000 [10:20] try to route to ag "Agent02" (pl "Place_02", 3 ready DNs reported): TRG 01725d70 VQ 017326e0

Offline René

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Re: Issue with Genesys Facebook and Twitter Interaction GAD
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2012, 09:52:19 AM »

URS log snippet looks OK and correct media type is assigned to Twitter interaction.

Have you configured GAD to support twitter media - 'media' option in 'multimedia' section of GAD application options and other Twitter media related options?


Offline sinchanaGB

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Re: Issue with Genesys Facebook and Twitter Interaction GAD
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2012, 02:37:22 PM »
Hi Rene,

Yes, GAD is configured to take social media interactions. Verified options of GAD as you suggested.

Also, One Correction: Interaction is coming as an Open Media Interaction.
PFB the Interaction Server log showing the Interaction routed to GAD and accepted by Agent.

Any suggestions?

19:47:15.732 Trc 26020 Distributing message 'EventAgentInvited' ('166'), message attributes:
attr_extension [list, size (unpacked)=72] =
  'Reasons' [list] = (size=16)
      'RTR' [int] = 126
  'ReportingEventSequenceNumber' [str] = "6914229"
attr_actor_type [int] = 1 [STRATEGY]
attr_actor_tenant_id [int] = 1
attr_actor_strategy_id [str] = "Facebook Inbound Strategy - Simplified"
attr_actor_router_id [str] = "URS_812"
attr_event_time [str] = "2012-08-22T14:17:15Z"
attr_party_type [int] = 2 [AGENT]
attr_tenant_id [int] = 1
attr_place_id [str] = "Place_02"
attr_agent_id [str] = "Agent02"
attr_itx_id [str] = "01TH1E2G6KH4R001"
attr_itx_type [str] = "Inbound"
attr_itx_subtype [str] = "InboundNew"
attr_itx_tenant_id [int] = 1
attr_itx_queue [str] = "Facebook Inbound Queue - Simple"
attr_itx_media_type [str] = "facebook"
attr_itx_submitted_by [str] = "SocialMessagingServer"
attr_itx_state [int] = 2 [ROUTING]
attr_itx_is_online [int] = 0
attr_itx_is_locked [int] = 0
attr_itx_received_at [str] = "2012-08-22T13:48:54Z"
attr_itx_submitted_at [str] = "2012-08-22T13:48:54Z"
attr_itx_submitted_to_router_at [str] = "2012-08-22T14:13:04Z"
attr_itx_placed_in_queue_at [str] = "2012-08-22T14:10:51Z"
attr_itx_moved_to_queue_at [str] = "2012-08-22T13:48:54Z"
attr_itx_submit_seq [str] = "6848667"
attr_itx_place_in_queue_seq [str] = "6848760"
attr_itx_user_data [list, size (unpacked)=6754, user data may be hidden] =
attr_itx_is_held [int] = 0
attr_ticket_id [int] = 2
attr_operation [int] = 4 [ROUTE]

19:47:15.763 Trc 26021 ...distributing to client 'StatServer[INPUSCPC03878:2020:Stat_Server_800]' - Reporting engine:1:744
19:47:15.779 Trc 26015 Received message 'RequestAccept' ('128') from client 'GAD_2' - Proxy:4:1580, message attributes:
attr_prxy_client_id [int] = 5
attr_itx_id [str] = "01TH1E2G6KH4R001"
attr_ticket_id [int] = 2
attr_ref_id [int] = 13

19:47:15.779 Trc 26015 Received message 'EventCurrentAgentStatus' ('155') from client 'StatServer[INPUSCPC03878:2020:Stat_Server_800]' - Reporting engine:1:744, message attributes:
attr_ref_id [int] = 12
attr_tenant_id [int] = 1
attr_place_id [str] = "Place_02"
attr_agent_id [str] = "Agent02"
attr_donot_disturb [int] = 0
attr_media_state_list [list, size (unpacked)=112] =
  'facebook' [int] = 1
  'twitter' [int] = 1
attr_media_capacity_list [list, size (unpacked)=112] =
  'facebook' [int] = 0
  'twitter' [int] = 1

19:47:15.779 Trc 26019 Sending message 'EventCurrentAgentStatus' ('155') to client 'Place_02' - Agent application:5:1580 through proxy 'GAD_2' - Proxy:4:1580, message attributes:
attr_ref_id [int] = -1
attr_prxy_client_id [int] = 5
attr_tenant_id [int] = 1
attr_place_id [str] = "Place_02"
attr_agent_id [str] = "Agent02"
attr_donot_disturb [int] = 0
attr_media_state_list [list, size (unpacked)=37] =
  'facebook' [int] = 1
  'twitter' [int] = 1
attr_media_capacity_list [list, size (unpacked)=37] =
  'facebook' [int] = 0
  'twitter' [int] = 1

19:47:15.779 Trc 26020 Distributing message 'EventCurrentAgentStatus' ('155'), message attributes:
attr_ref_id [int] = -1
attr_extension [list, size (unpacked)=44] =
  'ReportingEventSequenceNumber' [str] = "6914230"
attr_tenant_id [int] = 1
attr_place_id [str] = "Place_02"
attr_agent_id [str] = "Agent02"
attr_donot_disturb [int] = 0
attr_media_state_list [list, size (unpacked)=37] =
  'facebook' [int] = 1
  'twitter' [int] = 1
attr_media_capacity_list [list, size (unpacked)=37] =
  'facebook' [int] = 0
  'twitter' [int] = 1


Offline René

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Re: Issue with Genesys Facebook and Twitter Interaction GAD
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2012, 03:34:49 PM »
Hi Sinchana,

Everything looks OK from routing perspective. Can you post here screenshot of GAD? Have you checked GAD log for errors?


Offline sinchanaGB

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Re: Issue with Genesys Facebook and Twitter Interaction GAD
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2012, 08:21:10 AM »
Hi Rene,

Thanks for responding :).
Issue got resolved.
GAD application installed path was incorrect in CME ::)

Offline cavagnaro

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Re: Issue with Genesys Facebook and Twitter Interaction GAD
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2012, 02:53:57 PM »
slap slap  ;D

Offline sinchanaGB

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Re: Issue with Genesys Facebook and Twitter Interaction GAD
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2012, 11:25:41 AM »

Ya .. that was very silly mistake ..  ::)