Author Topic: when retrieveMultipleObjects cause a ConfigException with platform SDK 8.0  (Read 3578 times)

Offline pplppo1314

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Hey guys!
Ive Registered the ConfService Object.When retrieveMultipleObjects AgentGroups, i'm getting an exception stating:[color=red] are not enough object paths in the Read request result[/color], what does it mean? how to deal with it ?

my code as followed :

cfgAgentGroupQuery query = new CfgAgentGroupQuery ();
query.setState ( CfgObjectState.CFGEnabled );
Collection<CfgAgentGroup> collection = m_cfgService.retrieveMultipleObjects ( CfgAgentGroup.class, query );

it's weird that the same code it worked before, but failed now.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 08:02:57 AM by pplppo1314 »