Author Topic: More than engineers...  (Read 3663 times)

Offline cavagnaro

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More than engineers...
« on: December 20, 2011, 03:10:43 AM »
Hi Genesys fellows,
I'm taking the liberty to post this thread here because I really believe it is something good and worth to try. On my other favorite forum (Alcatel Unleashed) we are doing a project to bring some water to a community where they don't have it like we do and consider it as a normal way of life. I have been on some places like those where water is a luxury or at least not that easy to get as I'm used and it was actually shocking. So this is the time where I can do something tangible for real people and leave something good from the money I get working and instead of expending it on a fancy gift or some distraction I prefer to donate it for people who will use it and enjoy it much more than I could ever do.
The link is this:

Frank is the founder of ALUnleashed forum and trust me when I say there is no behind scenes here, just good will to help.

So if any of you have some extra bucks that could share please I'd really appreciate it and more on this days that supposed to be sharing for happiness.

Thanks for all of you who took the time to read this and if you can please also share the link :)