Author Topic: Infomart / Interactive Insights  (Read 7779 times)

Offline Adam_W

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Infomart / Interactive Insights
« on: March 22, 2011, 10:32:35 AM »
Hi all

I've been looking at Interactive Insights recently and have found the amount of data in the Insights Universe a bit disappointing compared to what's actually available in Infomart.

I've noticed that Business Objects Universe Designer comes with Insights, so potentially the Insights Universe could be used as a starting point and extended as required by someone with BO skills.

I doubt Genesys would support such customisation, but I'm curious as to whether anyone has experience with doing this.  Or is it just easier to start from fresh with standard Business Objects?


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Re: Infomart / Interactive Insights
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2011, 10:47:11 AM »
Genesys have been working with Business Objects for a while to come up with a standard Universe and a series of out-of-the-box reports for Infomart.

I can see no reason why anyone would not want to customize these areas for their own reporting.  In essence, that is what Infomart is for - customized reports.  Genesys would continue to support their components (ICON, Infomart, etc.) but the maintenance of the BOU and subsequent reports, etc. would be the responsibility of the organization that conducted those customizations.

Hope this helps?


Offline Adam_W

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Re: Infomart / Interactive Insights
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2011, 12:46:34 PM »
Thanks for the quick response Tony.

AFAIK Interactive Insights is the Genesys standard Universe + canned reports, unless they're working on another more general one.

Unfortunately it's a fairly narrow view of the data available in Infomart but it looks like customisation is not a problem so good news!

Offline campbell24

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Re: Infomart / Interactive Insights
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2011, 03:14:18 PM »
Hi guys

I am a BusinessObjects professional who has just joined a project team working on Genesys and Interactive Insights. I've been brought in to extend the GI2 universe and develop a bespoke reporting suite for a major bank here in the UK. Happy to exchange experiences!

Offline Allan

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Re: Infomart / Interactive Insights
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2011, 03:51:14 PM »

Agreed on 7.6 Interactive Insights, it is quite limited. There is no reason why you could not create new reports in BO universe.

Genesys have stated that II8 (which is dependant on Infomart 8) will contain reports for inbound interactions and outbound interactions and will be media agnostic to cater for the new media types.



Offline campbell24

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Re: Infomart / Interactive Insights
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2011, 08:15:28 AM »
[quote author=Allan link=topic=6276.msg28191#msg28191 date=1308153074]
Agreed on 7.6 Interactive Insights, it is quite limited. There is no reason why you could not create new reports in BO universe.
Absolutely. That's what BusinessObejcts is for, after all

[quote author=Allan link=topic=6276.msg28191#msg28191 date=1308153074]
Genesys have stated that II8 (which is dependant on Infomart 8) will contain reports for inbound interactions and outbound interactions and will be media agnostic to cater for the new media types.
You can already report on outbound interactions to some extent, but it doesn't go far enough. It will be interesting to see what they come up with - part of my remit is to enhance the existing universe to allow more sophisticated outbound reporting, i.e. identifying where in Infomart the required data comes from and then join those tables up to the existing BO universe. I wonder how differently we'll do it...

Offline Adam_W

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Re: Infomart / Interactive Insights
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2011, 09:52:23 AM »
Check out the GIM 8.0 / Interactive Insights 8.0.1 documentation - they've added a couple of out-of-the box Insights templates relating to Outbound campaign interactions.

More importantly there are now various dimensions and measures in the Universe to allow you to develop Outbound campaign reports.  The data has been re-organised in the GIM 8 schema as well to allow more flexibility for Outbound.

I'm using GIM / Insights 8 as the basis for a project with a similar remit to yours campbell; it would be interesting to compare notes at some point!

Offline campbell24

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Re: Infomart / Interactive Insights
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2011, 10:54:27 AM »
[quote author=Adam_W link=topic=6276.msg28207#msg28207 date=1308217943]
Check out the GIM 8.0 / Interactive Insights 8.0.1 documentation - they've added a couple of out-of-the box Insights templates relating to Outbound campaign interactions.

More importantly there are now various dimensions and measures in the Universe to allow you to develop Outbound campaign reports.  The data has been re-organised in the GIM 8 schema as well to allow more flexibility for Outbound.[/quote]

Yeah, I was having a look at that this morning. This looks realy useful, particularly as the CAMPAIGN and associated tables will be pretty key to me. Already having it in the univserse schema will save me some headaches, though there are several other tables I need to get at which are not in the 8 schema.

I doubt the out the box reports will do the trick, but it's a better starting point than I have now (we're on 7.6).

Going back to your first post, there's clearly a lot of work already gone into the GI_2 universe and starting from scratch would be a mammoth task. Adding new tables and objects to what's already there is the obvious way forward.

It's still early days for me, but a good approach may be to create a seperate universe(s) which focus on your specific functional requirements (e.g. one for customised inbound requirements and another for outbound), and then link these to GI_2. This would mean no changes to GI_2 itself, but rather using it as a source of core classes and objects. there would be a relatively painless process when further upgrades of GI_2 become available, and it ought to get round the support issue.

[quote author=Adam_W link=topic=6276.msg28207#msg28207 date=1308217943]
I'm using GIM / Insights 8 as the basis for a project with a similar remit to yours campbell; it would be interesting to compare notes at some point!
Indeed it would  :)