Sure, here is how to connect:
Public Function TConnect() As Boolean
Call TConnection.ConfigureAddp(10, 20, addpTraceFull)
Call TConnection.EnableAddp(True)
' Control connection parameters
If IsEmpty(Me.TServer) = True Or IsEmpty(Me.TPort) = True Then
' Log.WriteAs getLogFileName(), "class.TConnect", -1, -1, "Connection parameters missing."
TConnect = False
Exit Function
End If
' Log.WriteAs getLogFileName(), "class.TConnect", 1, 0, "THost is " + Me.TServer + " @ " + Me.TPort
If frmTelephony.TConnection.TConnect() = False Then
' Log.WriteAs getLogFileName(), "class.TConnect", -1, -1, "Could not connect to TServer"
TConnect = False
Exit Function
End If
' Log.WriteAs getLogFileName(), "class.TConnect", 1, 0, "Connecting to TServer..."
TConnect = True
End Function[/color][/size]
Here is how I would register:
[size=8pt][font=Verdana][font=Verdana][color=Green]Private Sub TConnection_TEventLinkConnected(EventInfo As DesktopToolkitX.TEventInfo)
numOfRegisteredQueues = 0
Call myWatch.setCallResult(EventLinkConnected, "", "Event", 0)
If myWatch.numOfChannels = 0 Then
' Log.WriteAs getLogFileName(), "TConnection.TEventLinkConnected", -1, 0, "Because channels (DNs) not set and initialized, main program couldn't continue."
If Me.TConnection.TDisconnect() = False Then
' Log.WriteAs getLogFileName(), "TConnection.TEventLinkConnected", -1, 0, "Couldnt Disconnect from TServer"
End If
Exit Sub
End If
Dim rs As TStatus
Dim i As Integer
' if you are watching more than one DN, numOfChannels would be 2
<-- Nortel for example
For i = 1 To myWatch.numOfChannels
' Log.WriteAs getLogFileName(), "TConnection.TEventLinkConnected", 1, 1, "Processing " + Trim(Str(i))
Call Me.TExtension(i).TSetRegisterMode(ModeMonitor)
rs = Me.TExtension(i).TRegister()
If rs = T_FAIL Then
' Log.WriteAs getLogFileName(), "TConnection.TEventLinkConnected", -1, 0, "Couldnt register Channel " + Trim(Str(i))
' Log.WriteAs getLogFileName(), "TConnection.TEventLinkConnected", 1, 0, "Registering Channel " + Trim(Str(i))
End If
Next i
End Sub[/color][/font][/font][/size]
Ummm... What else? It is pretty straight-forward really...
Here is how you would query for agent status on that DN, because you would not want to try to login agent who is already logged in, right?
[size=8pt][color=Green]Public Sub Get_DN_Info(Index As Integer, dn As String)
Dim rs As TStatus
rs = TExtension(Index).TQueryAddress(AddressInfoDNStatus)
End Sub
Here is how you would get Attach-Data:
[color=Green][size=8pt]Private Sub TExtension_TEventAttachedDataChanged(Index As Integer, EventInfo As DesktopToolkitX.TEventInfo)
Dim i As Integer
Dim sName As String
Dim sValue As String
Dim connId As String
Dim AgentId As String
connId = vbNullString
connId = EventInfo.connId.GetConnIDAsStr()
AgentId = vbNullString
AgentId = EventInfo.AgentId
For i = 0 To EventInfo.userData.GetCount - 1
sName = vbNullString
sValue = vbNullString
sName = EventInfo.userData.Get(i).Key
If EventInfo.userData.Get(i).Type = CKVTypeNum Then
sValue = Str(EventInfo.userData.Get(i).NumValue)
sValue = EventInfo.userData.Get(i).StringValue
End If
Call myWatch.setUserData(Index, connId, AgentId, sName, sValue)
Next i
End Sub
Please tell me if you need anything else
Genesys ActiveX is really a breeze to program and actually works enough to make it enjoyable. They provide you with ActiveX sample which pretty much is self-explanatory.
If you have a question - feel free to ask