Author Topic: Some Notes for Anyone Looking to get into Genesys Technologies Support...  (Read 4690 times)

Adam G

  • Guest
I just answered an email from someone who asked "what are the different ways a person with some Genesys experience can get into the Market?"  I thought my answers might help out a few people who have the same question on their mind.

***Please bear in mind that this is written with [b]European/English [/b]companies in mind***


If you work as a contractor, there would be (at least) one agency and one employer involved - sometimes as many as 3 agencies and 1 employer.  Everyone takes a slice of the pie before you - but you can still expect a decent amount per day for a job which requires that level of experience - the more specialized you are (WfM, for example), the more employers are willing to pay.  Usually you would be taken on for a 3-month contract and that would be extended at 3-monthly intervals.


If you intend to work as an independent consultant, you are pitching yourself to the end customer directly - no agencies.  It takes a lot of work to ge these types of customers and your name has to be up there, in lights.... You can imagine that the benefits are higher without the agencies involved but these also tend to be short-term contracts (not more than 3 months...)


Supporting Genesys Solutions has a few categories too - but the majority of these types of jobs are either taken up by Genesys "Professional Services" or they are sub-contracted to companies like DiData or PC1 (look them up...).  You could end up seeing a deliverable through a lifecycle, providing helpdesk/deskside support or Business/Professional Services.  In the main, an agency would employ you permanently  and allocate you to a project.  It's not the best paid but it does tend to be very stable.


Another aspect is to work for a Service Integrator (someone who has a prior agreement with Genesys, directly) - that's companies like BT, Siemens, Cirquent, etc. (look them up).  In that case you would work as a permanent employee but then you would be "settled in" with a single customer for a long time.

- Hope this help a few of you..?