Author Topic: How about "Study Groups"...?  (Read 3860 times)


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How about "Study Groups"...?
« on: July 01, 2010, 08:50:12 AM »
Hello everyone!

I was thinking the other day (yes - it happens!) "wouldn't it be good it we had somewhere, where Genesys experts could throw around thoughts and ideas and collaborate on them..."

It's probably been done before but, as I see it; sometimes it's difficult (and it takes a long time) to be able to discuss the possible options and technologies that could be used, to form the Solution to a (generic) problem.  I frequently find myself doing the rounds with various parties (locally, through our SI, through Genesys, etc.) and end up going with whatever I first thought of.

I was thinking we could build some threads up with Headers such as "Study Group: CCA",  "Study Group - WfM", etc. and allow everyone to put their ideas in one place, for discussion.

I know this sounds like what we do already - not quite; today, we "have a problem" that is looking for a Solution.  This would be more like "I have an idea..." and discuss the options...

Anyone else up for it?