Author Topic: VTO Script and IRD in 6.1  (Read 3861 times)

Ramesh Pitchumani

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VTO Script and IRD in 6.1
« on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »
Hi All:

I have a VTO datacollection script created and enabled. All the nodes have been populated and I was also able to check the *.VOX files using the SystemVoice prompt of Genesys using the IDs for the VOX files. But when I use the Script ID with the "Myscript" key in the IRD strategy, the VTO script doesn't get triggered.

I have the VTO ports, VTO places and VTO place groups configured in CME. I am just selecting the VTO place group as my target for the calls and this is not for Busy treatment. Whenever a call goes into the VTO, system script gets played and my custom VTO script is not getting triggered.

Am I doing something wrong or is there additional configuration that I am missing.

Your help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,