Author Topic: Outbound call on CS2000  (Read 3264 times)


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Outbound call on CS2000
« on: September 21, 2009, 12:57:46 AM »
I have a question...
We have an agent softphone application that was originally developed for a Meridian 81c using TLib 6.5. I'm trying to update it to work with a Nortel CS2000.

My issue is this:
On the CS2000, when an agent makes an outbound call using a CTI application, the PBX will call the agent's phone first. When the agent picks up, the PBX then initiates the dial to the external party.

My question is: the business wants the softphone to "pick up" the initial leg (PBX calling the user) when it detects the ringing. However, I do not see any events such as EventRinging before I "answer" the phone (when I see an "EventOffHook").

Any suggestions on how I can accomplish this?


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Re: Outbound call on CS2000
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2009, 02:07:36 AM »
  • Best Answer
  • Disregard. worked it out.