Author Topic: Randon queue selection in Campaign Manager  (Read 3150 times)


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Randon queue selection in Campaign Manager
« on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »
We are running a 5.1 installation with a v9 Definity. Campaign Manager 5.1.548.20

Our problem is our outbound agents are members of more than one agent group in CME but cannot select a particular group when logging in.
When they login they input the queue number for the campaign that they wish to use, but statserver returns a different queue to campaign manager. We have worked round this by getting the agents to log in to other queues until the one they want is returned but this is unsatisfactory.

Genesys stated that setting the option "login_queue_info" to "treat_as_queue" should solve the problem but this has not worked and Genesys have not been able to provide any further help.

The problem is not a G5.1 v Definity v9 issue as the problem existed before we upgraded the switch from v6.

Any ideas?
