Author Topic: Need Help - Retreive predefined Reason Codes from Switch as similar to Avaya AIC  (Read 4162 times)

Offline srvishnu

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I am working on Voice PLatform SDK 7.6. I need some guidance regarding the retreival of Reason Codes from TServer switch.

I would like to know if there any predefined reason codes present in the switch which could be retrieved during the register/login operations.. My intension is to reteive the unavailable codes from the switch during the login of the agent and when he shifts to Not ready state ask him to select one of the reason codes before moving forward with Not ready state.

Do we have to set the reason codes manually Ex: RequestRegisterAddress.setReasonCodes() or are there any predefined reason codes available?

I would greatly appreciate your help and guidance.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 11:47:52 AM by srvishnu »

Offline René

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T-Server for Avaya doesn't support such function - retrieving list of available reason codes - as it isn't supported by Avaya (ASAI link). You have to maintain list of reason codes in your application.

Setting reason code - if you want Avaya to recognize reason codes as well (=display right status on hard phone) then you have to use the same reason codes as defined on Avaya side (please read T-Server manual for details). If you don't need such functionality then you can use any code you want.
