Author Topic: Tlibrary API: what about its consistency?  (Read 3833 times)


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Tlibrary API: what about its consistency?
« on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »
I am a CTI developer and I used Tlibrary (shipped with TServer v6.0) for doing an interface with a CTI application towards TServer. My question is about a possible incompatibility between TServer newer and Tlibrary older (in example Genesys file that demonstate API use, the protocol version is 4.2): in fact, when I try to use some function, such as TKVListPrint(), or TScanServerEX() with mode TSCAN_MODE_WRITE, [with correct parameters, of course ...]I get an unhandled C exception on my debugger. Could someone who gets in this same trouble help me?