this is very simple.
first of all, you said that that you want to use IRD, thus you are implying that you use URS.
Here is what I would do:
I am always a proponent of skill-based routing; howeve,r in your case, it is definitely going to be a pain in a butt to have all people to start registering their agents and their skills, so, why not just do this:
1. you will need ONE strategy
2. you will need TWO RPs, which I will call 8000 and 9000
3. you will need TWO VQs which I will call VQ_FP and VQ_WP for...well, you can figure that one out
4. you will need to write a vector for your VDN 8000 that:
- plays announcement, collects digit and then throws adjunct to Genesys. I see that you already have that.
5. you will need to define TWO Virtual Agent Groups or simple Agent Groups in Configuration Manager that contain all of your agents. Add agent IDs of FP agents into FP agent group and WP agents into WP agent group if you want to use Agent Groups, or if all of your FP agents login into one ACD queue and WP agents login into another ACD queue, you can save a lot of time by defining Virtual Agent Groups (new agent group in CME plus this script in their Annex:"script" and inside that: LoggedIn("queuenumber@switchname") where queuenumber if your ACD for FP and WP)
Next, this is pretty simple:
IF(=CED()) with two outputs - "1" or "2" or whatever the user presses for FP and WP
Then draw a line from right of IF and [1] output to :
put Routing Icon and make it target VAG_FP with wait time set to 1 and Queue set to VQ_FP
-then, from BOTTOM connector of ROUTE (not RIGHT connector), you draw a line and connect it to:
---put Routing Icon and make it target VAG_WP with wait time set to 9999 (or whatever maximum time you want people to wait) and Queue set to VQ_WP
Then draw a line from right of IF and [2] output to :
put Routing Icon and make it target VAG_WP with wait time set to 1 and Queue set to VQ_WP
-then, from BOTTOM connector of ROUTE (not RIGHT connector), you draw a line and connect it to:
---put Routing Icon and make it target VAG_FP with wait time set to 9999 (or whatever) and Queue set to VQ_FP
DO NOT CHECK CLECK checkbox inside the route icon!
what you did:
you told Genesys to target FP agents first, but if there are no FP agents then after one second, start targeting WP agents as well and vice versa for flow 1 and 2.
Does it make sense?