Author Topic: Genesys Self Service / GVP / IVR  (Read 3938 times)

Offline PFCCWA

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Genesys Self Service / GVP / IVR
« on: December 29, 2008, 08:19:28 PM »
We have been looking at possible Gensys solutions to manage certain calls for our contact centre and believe Self-Service may be the answer.
Every month we handle approximately 15000 repeat calls, that is people who called originally to make an application and wish to check on its progress.  The agents accepting these calls do nothing more than create a record in the CRM database, with necessary detail then forward this information through fax/email to the necessary departments.

The question therefore is can Self-Service (SS) or another genesys product handle this scenario? 
1. Can SS be set up to guide the caller or give them the option as to what their call is regarding so it can either be routed to an agent or the automated service?
2. Is SS able to perform verification checks using the CRM database such as postcode/date of birth/reference?
3. Would SS be able to create new records in the CRM then correctly link it to existing records from the ID checks performed in point 2?
4. All records within the CRM database have a field where the outcome is given.  Can SS perform steps 2 and 3, then advise the caller of the outcome?

We use GVP at the moment for callers who dial out of our office hours where they leave a voice message for each prompt before an agent transcribes these later.  The same solution is also used for internal employees to update CRM records so we know Genesys does have the ability to amend existing CRM tables.


Offline cavagnaro

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Re: Genesys Self Service / GVP / IVR
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2008, 09:34:31 PM »
Imagine this, if you can do it or imagine it in a web page then GVP will be able to do it too. All that you mention seems pretty logical and easy to do in a web flow, however it will depend on your DB info only to limit the power of what GVP can do.