Author Topic: After Call Work (ACW) Stat Question  (Read 5768 times)

Offline PFCCWA

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After Call Work (ACW) Stat Question
« on: November 25, 2008, 11:40:29 PM »
We use Genesys 7.5 on the Alcatel 4400 PBX.

When an inbound call is completed, the agent state goes into an after call work (ACW) status for 7 seconds before releasing.  This is a setting within the PBX.

What we want to achieve is to follow the call attribute from the beginning of the call to the point the agent becomes either idle or goes into a Not ready state.  Looking at the logs, we can see the activity/skill/call type attribute remains with the call during inbound talk time, consult time and hold time but after the call is released (eventreleased) it is no longer there.

As a result we can report on statistics to create an average handle time but not split by activity/skill/call type accuretly as it misses the ACW.

Any help would be appreciated and I am a newbie so anything not highly technical would help.



Offline cavagnaro

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Re: After Call Work (ACW) Stat Question
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2008, 12:34:43 AM »
I don't understand your requirement completely.
Lets define terms first, I believe here there is a misconception.
Handle Time is the time that the agent takes in order to solve a customer call, this is the call itself (Inbound) + Hold time (if any) + consult time (if any) + acw (where the agent has finished to talk to the customer but is still doing some work related to the call like writing down the detail of the call on your crm, sending an email, etc etc). After this agent goes and put in ready by two possible reasons:
1. ACW time configured in the RSI is reached (7seconds according to you)
2. Agent or something puts the agent status in Ready to receive a call again.

So you want Handle time per Option dialed for example (gold, bronze, silver, etc), right? All you have to do is to attach the KVP at the beggining of the call and this will be there until the agent puts in ready again.

Then on StatServer create the filter for the KVP "Service" and then:
1. In CCPulse create a new template and then apply this filter to the Handle Time
2. In DMA create a new layout and also apply this filter.

Doing a handle time including not Ready is not an option as this is an agent status and not a call action and the call handle has already ended. If you see the time needed by the agent is great than 7 secs then increase WrapUp time and make an application that when you save the interaction in your CRM system or whatever puts the agent in Ready.