Author Topic: WFM and PrimeTime  (Read 3556 times)


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WFM and PrimeTime
« on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »

with all this talk about WFM and PrimeTime, I think we should think about doing an evaluation of both the products and see how they would do. I have been playing with WFM for quite some time now any volunteers to do the PrimeTime?

Here is what I am thinking let's create a criteria for evaluation. Under what conditions should we compare them. What kind of layouts should we consider? Any volunteers? If you are interested in helping drop me a line, so that we could get the overall environment setup, and then do a comparison.
Also, I think it would be interested to contact Blue Pumpkin and Genesys and see if they would be interested in working with us on it.
Any comments?