Author Topic: problems in sending mails.  (Read 3863 times)

Offline msanjayv

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problems in sending mails.
« on: October 14, 2008, 01:03:09 PM »

      I am using EmailServerJava 7.1 and 7.5 platform sdk.

      I am trying to send outbound emails and also listen for emails. In the webmedia I find only two classes "RequestSubmit" and "EmailProperties". I set all the properties in the emailproperties class and submitting them using requestSubmit class. I am getting EvtAck as a response from the server. But the mail is not received by the corresponding person.

    I also tried sending mails using openmedia. Using openmedia I am creating an interaction with certain properties and submitting it in the outbound queue for email. Even here I am getting the EVtAck, but the mail is not delivered. What might be the problem. kindly help.


Offline barleycorn

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Re: problems in sending mails.
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2008, 01:41:01 PM »
Can you upload any relevant logs? ixn server, email server java, etc. The code you are using would be helpful too.

Offline msanjayv

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Re: problems in sending mails.
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2008, 04:38:08 PM »
/// Sending mails using webmedia.
mailProperties.FromAddress = "  ";
mailProperties.EmailAddress = " " ;
mailProperties.Mailbox = " " ;
mailProperties.RouteInfo = "Oubound queue";
mailProperties.Subject = "subject";
mailProperties.EmailBody = "xyz";
mailProperties.Media = "email";
mailProperties.FirstName = " ";
mailProperties.LastName = " ";

RequestSubmit submit = RequestSubmit.Create("email", mailProperties);
IMessage response = mailProtocol.Request(submit, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10));

//I am getting eventAck as response.
/// Sending mails using openmedia.

KeyValueCollection collection = new KeyValueCollection();
collection.Add("Priority", 1);
collection.Add("Subject", "test");
collection.Add("FromPersonal", "project");
collection.Add("To", "");
RequestSubmit requestSubmit = RequestSubmit.Create(interactionProtocol.ProxyId, null, ixn, "Inbound e-mails",101, "email", "Inbound", "InboundCollaborationReply", true, DateTime.Now, collection, null, new KeyValueCollection(), new KeyValueCollection());
IMessage response = interactionProtocol.Request(requestSubmit);

// I am getting EventAck where I am getting interactionID (id1). In log it states that id1 not found in the database.
