
Is Genesys SDK 6.5 (Controls) thread Safe?

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Author Topic: Genesys SDK 6.5 (Controls) are thread Safe?  (Read 4642 times)

Offline Imran

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Genesys SDK 6.5 (Controls) are thread Safe?
« on: June 03, 2008, 11:57:25 AM »
Is Genesys SDK 6.5 (Controls) thread Safe?

I want to create a wrapper which communicates with my already in place controller app to handle the agents requests and in return talks to genesys server. Now my concern is that are the controls come along with the genesys activeX toolkit are thread safe and can be used in my multithreaded application.
My experience with windows forms control while accessing them through the threads which actually don't have the control ownership is very bad. Its real easy to crash the application by accessing the controls in threads. So, is this the case with genesys controls or they are good enough to work in threads

Offline victor

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Re: Genesys SDK 6.5 (Controls) are thread Safe?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 01:15:26 PM »
This is a very good question. My default, I assume that SDK is not thread safe, even though manual states to the opposite and ensure that there is only one thread that accesses SDK.protocol member with all the other threads using a queuing system of one sort of another to communicate with that thread.

More importantly, I would strongly advise against using 6.5 SDK and look into getitng at LEAST 7.2 because there are a busload of errors that were fixed since then.

What are you using it for?

Best regards,


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Re: Genesys SDK 6.5 (Controls) are thread Safe?
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2008, 10:09:23 AM »
Hey Victor,
its really nice to see your response on my concern. Actually we are already runing a call center services and we have inhouse build agent application which interacts with our own contoller and CTI engine. Now, we intend to integrate the inbound (contact Center Services) in our agent application which will ofcourse by pass our own controller and CTI engine and will directly communicate with TServer instead.
I have two paths
1)either to leave agent application as it is and add new controller layer which takes request from agent application and send it to TServer or other way around.
2) Add controls to agent application which directly takes request from TServer directly instead of any controller layer.

If i go with first option than i need to ensure that the genesys controls are thread safe.....
any suggestions