I think that we are missing a whole picture here. Even though Genesys sometimes goes overboard on their licensing schemes, usually they would not charge for something simple that much unless your sales representative is an idiot and he does not give a damn about you.
While I am not sure what can be done about licensing, I am suggesting a slightly different approach:
1. what stats do you need to show to your users? If this is something you can collect yourself, perhaps there is a simpler way to do it.
2. why are you using GIS? I hate it from the bottom of my heart.
My guess is that you want to show total number of calls in queue and estimated waiting time, right?
There are several ways to do it:
1. use Genesys SDK to write an application to do this. Cost: Genesys SDK developer kit: 20,000 USD (or so?) + whatever the connector cost. If you already have Genesys SDK for 6.5, 7.x should be free. You DO NOT need to buy Genesys SDK to use it - you only need it to develop, so, if someone else will develop it for you, you will just pay for development costs and then whatever the license to show it on the web.
2. access Stat Server db tables and get info from there (probably some licenses)
3. Get Quest Server we have here for free that is built on Genesys ActiveX. Modify it to your heart's content and then deal with licenses. Should be interesting to see what happens there.
Asking you to pay millions to show basic queue status on the web is a joke. Unless it is a VQ, why not just publish CMS (or whatever other PBX you use) on a web instead? (this threat itself should get the licensing from Genesys taken care of). I do not know what I am talking about when it comes to licensing costs, but I would feel funny if I had to pay more than 30,000 USD for license to show number of calls in a queue on a web. Wouldn't you?
Best regards,