Author Topic: Dialogic cards compatibility with VTO  (Read 4790 times)

Conrad Yiasoumi

  • Guest
Dialogic cards compatibility with VTO
« on: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM »
Does anyone have an updated list of Dialogic cards that can be used with the Genesys VTO (using a Nortel Meridian 1). The Genesys web site mentions that the following cards may be used:

Lineside E1 Dialogic D/300SCE1
Lineside T1 Dialogic D/240SCT1
Dialogic D/240PCIT1
Dialogic D/480SC2T1
Analog Dialogic D/41ESC
Dialogic D/160SCLS
Dialogic D/120JCTLS

We have also been given quotes from our Genesys reseller for the following cards:
Dialogic D/300PCI 1E1120
Dialogic D/600JCT 2E1120
Dialogic D/V1200 4E1120
As yet they have not been able to confirm whether these cards are compatible. Does anyone else have any experience using any other Dialogic (E1) cards with the VTO option? We have been told that the card needs to have an SC Bus, are the cards with the CT bus fully compatible with the SC bus.

Any help would be appreciated.

